I have to say, I would be 1 billion times more nervous about moving if it weren't for dearest Firehorse.
I'm still nervous and we still have stuff to sort out. but.


Suuuper good gang at Ronnie's for to celebrate. Bender gang is good at celebrating.
I don't know if I've ever said that's how we refer to ourselves? As the bender gang? Also, the original bender gang.
ha, the other night we made wishes on 12:34 and 1:23 (I think?) and cheers and then said "I love you guys" to each other. How adorable, right?
minus the bender part, I guess.
actually, my wish came true. did your guys's?

I felt weird that all the rest of the bender gang were inside without me. probably planning on drinking forever.
yeah, we like each other a lot these days.

I let Firehorse wear my "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY" necklace. I have a back-up so it's okay if he lost it (not okay). and I got him some "birthday" beads. (not official just that's what I called them.)
I also made him a card that said "I'd have gotten you a proper gift but I don't want more shit cluttering up my house" or something like that.

don't go to sleep, it's still early!
(it wasn't early)
I don't know what this lady's nickname should be. She's our new neighbour. We already have several plans for shenanigans and good schemes.
like running over to each other's places in towels!
hahahaaa I just talked to Carla Ghee and she was saying how she was chatting with this babe forever and then all of a sudden he was like "I have to go home, I work super early" and Carla Ghee is pissed because why did he hog all her time if he wasn't going to stick around? there were so many other babes around!
yet another classic benderparty moment.
We were at Ronnie's two days in a row this week. Fisher is mad that I haven't been to Dot. Fair enough! I bet Hoops is mad too.
I miss them. But I think we're finding a patio tonight since is it actually HOT outside for the first time this year.
last night before the birthday gathering, I made dinner for Flash Gordon. The idea was that it would take less time than going out for lunch with her but then of course, that wasn't really the case.
It was delicious, though.

roasted potatoes and scrambled eggs and then banana walnut pancakes... soooo good.

breakfast for dinner! favourite.
Flash Gordon came in and said "awww your little place...." and that almost made me weep. It's going to be bizarre not to live here anymore.
I keep telling myself I'm done with it so that I won't feel upset too bad. And I am done with it. Mostly.
okokokokaaaayyy I have to go and try and find a patio before the thunderstorms come in.
it's supposed to rain all next week. that might be good? maybe I'll stay in and get something done for once?
My tall red-headed friend (who also needs a nickname) keeps stressing me out about how much packing I have to do. and then he says things like "are you going to rent a truck?" and "you mean you can't do it on the weekend?"
I don't know yet!
I don't know about moving!
hahaaaa it'll all be just fine. I decided. Still have a good couple of weeks it is not panic time. yet.