It's moments like these where I feel blessed to live in such a small space. Not that I am not aware that I'm going to be both surprised and terrified at how much stuff I've managed to cram into these two small rooms.
Am I having moving anxiety? YES!
Except luckily I'm pretty anti-worry and I just party and drink a lot which decreases my stress levels mostly. So I'm fine.
It's not panic time yet. But soon!!!
Once I finish dicking around on the internet here, I will forsure start packing. Hopefully.

Also, Bridesmaids tonight with a bunch of my favourite ladies!
I'm a bit too pumped up to see this despite managing to basically avoid the trailers (I like to know nothing about films before I see them), but I'm not that hard to please (movie-wise) and I'll be looking to like.

I had kind of a stupidly busy week and then weekend, and I'm hoping that I cool my jets a bit this week... Except I already know a billion funtimes I'm going to need to be having in the next few days.
Number One (obviously) being the Canucks game tomorrow at Hoops!
The babies are doing so well, I'm hoping they win this one and then it's cup finals!!
What are we going to do with our time after hockey is over?
Taking reccos on new passtimes...

Yeah so there was totally a suuuper tiny tabby kitten at the house I was at last night. If you show me a kitten then I will be completely uninterested in basically anything else ever for the rest of the night.
Also, this was a particularly good kitten (just kidding I've never met a kitten I didn't like), super ferocious and playful and obnoxious! Just the way I like them. Also, seeing it meet a tiny fluffy dog was pretty funny. A spiky-backed mad kitten is even cuter than a regular kitten!

Nothing fills me with such unbridled joy as a tiny beast to cuddle. I feel like if I could muster up this sort of enthusiasm for any man, I'd marry him right then. haaa.

Bellwoods is the best, hey? I have no issues with how I'm going to be living even closer to it. Does anyone want to play tennis? Anyone want to get me a tennis racket and a tennis partner? And then teach me how to play? I bet I'd be good (won't be good).
I bet we're going to find more and more awesome buds all summer long there.
Finally met one of Carla Ghee's friends there yesterday and she was almost as excellent as Carla Ghee had lead me to believe.
I hope she accepts my facebook friend-request!

My dreams this weekend have been even more intense than usual. I dreamt last night that I was having my photos taken with my "boyfriend" (he was no one I know IRL, kind of weedy, actually, and floppy-haired) and he was furious with me because everyone could tell from the photos that I was not in love. and he told me I had no capacity for love.
I wanted to try harder.
In another dream my mother had died awhile prior and my brother, E, and I were sharing the house in Saskatoon, both living there sort of part time and he came in and I turned expecting to see her but of course she wasn't there. And I looked at E and said "you know, I expected it to be alright at some point. but it won't ever be okay."
I don't know if I were sleep-crying but in my dream I don't know if I have ever felt as sad.
Hmmm. Well. now that I've gotten myself depressed all over again, I'm going to go make some curried lentil quinoa soup and hopefully get some shit done around here.