
you have reason to be frightened since you've been reading my mind

i have no interest in working the ufc game tonight. I hope I make unbelievable amounts of money. That would make it worthwhile.

this is a picture I took of my new house that I took while walking home the other night. Am I a bit of a creeper? Almost certainly.

that stained glass and little balcony? that's mine!

to say that I'm excited about this would be an understatement. Also, I am extremely nervous. And a bit stressed. It'll be a big change. I've lived in my current place for over 7 years! yiiiiiiikesssss.

also, I've never really moved before. so if you want to help me out with that, I'll forsure let you.

this didn't autostitch the best. But still kind of rad. Firehorse (my new roommate as of June 1st) has a studio with a sweet deck. We will have 2 big decks at our new place.
We will have the best lives ever. Almost certainly.

Should I put a rope-ladder up to my room?
hahahaaaa I've been looking at too many design blogs. not that that's where I got the rope-ladder idea.
but so many good ideas I hope I actually get around to doing.

I'm super excited to move in with Firehorse and our other AMAZING (but yet to be determined) roommates. I hope everyone is into theme parties and can be pressured into watching My So-Called Life....