heyyy buckaroos
It's Wednesday!
(I had to check what day it was before I wrote that because I'm just that type of girl. the type of girl who has nothing to do)

Holeeee shit it's going to be the worst if I don't get packed in time because then everyone will be like "I KNOW YOU WERE JUST DICKING AROUND ON THE INTERNET, YOU TURD"
just kidding everything is getting done and it's going to be fine!

I got the Canucks app for my phone and now it sends me updates! Which is funny because I'm already watching the game guys, jeeezus. But that would be super handy if I were at work or something.
Kevin Bieksa! Kevin Bieksa!

Hoops Hoops Hoops Hoops Hoops Hoops Hoops Hoops!!!!!
Got there early to ensure our prime realty seats at the bar. I love that fucking giant tv.

"Hey, Meredith, do you like going to Hoops?"
"I could take it or leave it"
noooooo way, it's so fun there!
I think last night was the funnest ever but I have to say that now we are in the Stanley Cup finals it'll be fun for awhile longer. And the biggest fun ever if we win the cup. Which I very much want to happen.

We were so stressed out. It was pretty funny. I like getting worked up about things that aren't actually of importance to me.

I also love nachos, jfyi. Nachos and fries. Tooooo many nachos and fries. Nachos and fries every day. Ughughgugh. So good. So good for my thighs!

Not to make my family and readers who do not care about hockey in the slightest hate me or anything, but DAMN, that goal when there was 15 seconds left and they tied it up and sent it into overtime. YESSSSSSS.
We cheered so much!

We also cheered when we won, obviously!
There may have been some standing on stools and banquettes and some trumpet-playing. hahahahaahaaaa classic.

Also, SO MANY friends came. It was outrageous! The bender four (gruesome foursome, bender gang, whatever you want to call us) were intact but then we all had so many buds come to join the party!
I think more people I knew were there than at my birthday! (slight exaggeration)
Even Prune, Violet, and Dollface came! crazzy!

Our favourite penalty is TOO MANY MEN which Carla Ghee and I refuse to consider as a reason that anyone should ever be penalized. ....unless it was a sexy penalty...?
Should I have an entire terrible stand-up act based on hockey? Probably, hey?

Hahahahaa also, my bud may have delayed the sloan tour bus departure because he refused to stop watching the game.
That's commitment. Not to his band, but to his hockey.

Hahaha I accidentally told Carla Ghee that I was wearing my Hoops colours instead of saying I was wearing my Canucks colours. Classic mistake.
I love theme parties.
I may have gotten in trouble last night for admitting that I still really don't care about hockey. I only care about Canucks. And Hoops. And Norman's love of both. And the parties that surround it.
Although, if I weren't at Hoops I'd have it on the tv at home for sure.

It's my perfect kind of day outside, sunny, pretty windy, and not too hot. 17 degrees might be my favourite degrees. Who am I, my mother?
Ughhh I have so much to do! It'd be super nice to go just sit in a park all day instead, though, hey?