I'm out and about a lot in the daytimes now that I walk Kaya all the time. It's nice. The park was especially nice today. I bet I'm getting more vitamin D.
(D STANDS FOR DICK. ....sorry)

these are some groceries I bought.
when the cheeses and gluten-frees are on sale I get so stupidly excited.
I'm going to make blackbean soup and I'm already excited for it.
we're going to have a No Note Rule, I think I'll make a note about it to remind us.
I've been reading a lot of design blogs instead of packing because I am puuuuuure genius.
I didn't even have a coffee today but I feel jacked and rude right now. In a fun way. Luckily I'm by myself. Co-workers get ready tonight will be fun....
(and by fun I mean, good luck.)
I wonder if Firehorse has a coffee maker? I've never owned any type of coffee maker. It might be a disaster. Or fun!
I have so many big plans for our new place. I'm not going to be able to afford them all right away but I do think it's going to be awesome pretty quickly.
And a lot of the projects are totally low-budg-diy things (obviously), so as long as I get around to them, they are totally feasible.
I wish I liked painting more.
I was going to paint my room white-white but I saw on apartment therapy recently these rooms were painted in a blue that's so pale it's like white. Should I do that? Icewhiteblue?
whitewhite for the kitchen and living room though, yeah?
Going to look for a second-hand gazebo-type things for the deck I think............ we are needing some shade for sure.
and I'm going to copy my aunt and grow herbs in vintage tins. SHOULD I?
(p.s. yeah right, like I know how to grow anything!)
Should I grow tomatoes in my room? Can I?

it rains and rains and rains and rains.
hey, maybe we're just getting all the rains out of the way and then we'll have a long, hot summer? RIGHT?
I wish I didn't have to go work right now then I'd go to the island maybe....
Dollface, we should book the cottage soon!?
I cannot believe how insanely excited I am about this. UGH.

(these stairs are soooo nice.)
The cool thing about me is how transparent my emotions are.
Also, this is a huge curse. Also, I should learn how to pretend better.
I have a theory, though, that in order to be a good actor you have to be bad at pretending. You can pretend away in real life and mostly people won't notice it but on camera.. everything reads.
Dollface was hanging out with this one acquaintance of hers last night who I HATE and he said to her "your friend hates me".
yepppp. that's not the first time that's happened, either.
I like to use the phrase "haters gonna hate" in a positive way, about myself. In the way that, yes, if you are a huuuuuuuuge douchebag, self-serving asshole, then I am not going to pretend that I think otherwise.
It's just not in my nature.
Haahahaa. I'm the worst.

I was in a super belligerent mood the other night. Hoops really failed us by not putting the game on the big screen and then I didn't get to see a bunch of pals I wanted to because obviously we couldn't stick around there.
Plus I was pissed off at a couple of different situations in my life and was pissy about how I was handling it and all I wanted was Hoops..
anyway, sometimes being in a piss-poor belligerent mood can be fairly entertaining. Possibly moreso for me than for my friends..... but..... also, I get pretty funny sometimes when I don't care high.
My friend tossed her broken lighter on the ground in anger and then I remembered how throwing things is fun and so I picked it up and also smashed it on the ground and then jumped on it to smash it with my feets.
smashing things is so ridiculously fun. We should have a Smash League let's all get together and smash everything around!
that night actually ended super fun, anyhow.
And Firehorse even came straight from the airport to the bar to meet us. And he'd been gone the whole weekend and I missed him. hahahaaa awww. I like that face.
We decided once the roommate honeymoon period wears off we'll just have blowjob sundays to keep us connected and in touch.
haaaa grosssssss.

Can it please be super hot and sunny on Monday because that's when I don't have to work and maybe I'd go to the island or at least a fucking sweeeeet patio and really relaxasaurus rex all over it.