Getting older is cool I guess because maybe you figure out how to react better to situations and know what you're getting yourself into and are a bit more prepared for shit. So I hear?
Nah, I do feel like I'm getting a bit more realistic and smarter about things.

I just read a missed connection from Hoops in North York and Carla Ghee and I have been talking lots about how many missed connections we will get all summer long.
I feel like everyone's kind of off the missed connections train? Like for a bit there I heard lots about them but these days it seems fewer?

Remember when I had my very own missed connection?
ha, I just searched my blog for "missed connection" and found this gem from 2k8 talking about a babe I saw:
I would put a missed connection add up EXCEPT
a) I've seen Ghost World
b) I shouldn't even be allowed to date
c) I've decided not to pursue babes anymore. Which, of course, means that I'm never going to get any because boys are giant sucks and never push anything and I am the one who pushes everything and people that do pursue me are never the ones that I want (who do I want though, really?).
But seriously though, babes need to put in effort.
good to know that things have changed so much in the past few years. :\
Hmmm a quick search of my blog reveals that I never said that much about that missed connection other than it was a real one.

I was wearing this top that day, though. if that helps.

Now it's been long enough that I can talk about it! Coooool! I like this part. Even though it's not a great story and I mostly look bad. But still. Also cool because
a) I don't know him or see him in any way anymore
b) who cares
anyway, I went on a date with that missed connection. Let's call him Connie (short for connection, obvs).
I actually hung out with him a few times over a couple of weeks there.
He was kind of lovely, though just out of a huge long-term thing (ha, I should rent myself out as a rebound), and he was quite grumbly for such a young guy. Sort of a curmudgeon and a bit of a snot about things.
Really particular about his coffee and his scotch and his food and everything in his life. A bit of a stick-in-the-mud. Funny for someone with sleeves of tattoos and baby-face.
Also, he played guitar and sang and was working with an experimental band because he said that just writing a regular song on guitar was "too easy"...
to which I replied "probably the song is not good enough, then" (filled with tact, I am)
I think he was into the idea of being a good boyfriend-type, which is such a bizarre thing in my life. But we did have some good brunches and dates and ate gelato in the park and stuff.
and once he sent me a text that said "you're quite cute you know"
but I didn't really care. I wanted to because it was such a good story, but we didn't actually care about each other.
And so when the opportunity arose to skip town with someone I was invariably hung up on, I just went and didn't think twice.
so that was then end of that.

I'm meant to be doing some writing right now. I opened up all the files and everything. And I've got a new idea that I need to decide even what it's going to be. I think a play or a short. I've never really written a play, but I have a big desire to do one soon and I'd like to write it, too.
Might as well, since I'm not tooo busy.
You can be in it too, if you'd like.