And then it turns out I'm wrong.

Remember when I used to be half introvert, half extrovert?
Seems like the balance is shifting quite powerfully towards being a fulltime extrovert.
Maybe I will start making a shift back towards alone-time. It could happen. In theory.

We've been having all the fun, though. Still.
Re-met one of our new neighbours who lives around the corner from our new place and she's aaaawesome.
I'm a bit worried about how stupid this summer is going to be. I know I keep saying that. But really.
I just friended our favourite bartender from Hoops on FB.
Hoops is turning into a totally legitimate fun-people hangout venue. there are more and more babes there.
Three men in a row there last night with neat glasses, beards, plaids, bands, etc.
I can definitely keep being into this.

Had lunch with JL yesterday. It was at 4.. is that still lunch? Probably, if you're me at least.

What a guy. Ya know?
We've known each other like 3 years now? Is that possible?
As much as he infuriates me sometimes, I'm still prrretty fond of him. Because he's pretty funny. But I think is secretly such a kind-heart.

hahaaa he looks like a delicate flower here. he'll be mad I said that, maybe?

JL says all babies stare at him. My guess is that it's because he's impossible feet high.

"Look at that! A mini-person upstairs." -JL

hahahaaaaa. JL is shocked I am finally getting around to moving out of my place. Probably the most surprised. I wonder what all my friends think of how I will react to having roommates...

haa, this photo is of Carla Ghee and I listening to a recording CrazyVon made of me at 3 in the morning one night talking about how I was allergic to gluten and dicks, and how I'd just won all the Junos.