ew, my landlord called me at 9 a.m. this morning. RUDE.
and so I've been up since then. A bit dumb, considering how I went to bed at 4ish.
hahaaaa I was trying to describe to someone why I don't like certain blogs and how they are all boring like: "today I did this and then this person came and then this happened and went here and bought something and then drank"
aaaaaand then I realized, HEY, that's my blog!!!!

Prune and I went to Bellwoods last week with kaya. Kaya loves Prune more than me. I can deal with that, I just don't want to have to. so now Prune is not invited to hang out with the dog anymore.
(ugh, fuck guys, just kidding)

Prune and I have a big love and Yes, she is that pretty. I knowwwww.

also, this outfit was killing me. I love the hiked-up tights, that's how I wear my tights all daylong. as Prune says "now my belly won't get cold!"

Kaya doesn't care at all if I throw a stick or run around. But if Prune does it it's like magic.

remember when it was a sunny spring there for a minute? where'd that go? all rain all week. all rainy and grey.
it's okay okay I guess. I'm taking a mini-break for party-all-the-time for the next couple of days.
actually, planning on toning it down. I know I keep saying that. but... well, there's nowhere to go but maybe relaxasaurus things a bit. ya know?
plus I have 1 billion good ideas in my brains that keep slipping away because I never write them down. Nice, hey??
plus I have some good ideas still that need writing down.

I showed my apartment a lot this afternoon. It was bizarre. I WANT TO STAY HERE FOREVER. no. no, I'm ready to move. It's just hard.
I think it is not going to get easier over the next couple of weeks when I go through everything and clear everything out and pack up stuff...
Luckily I am keeping myself occupied by planning for the new place. I've got a notebook on the go that's just for ideas of what I want to try in the new apartment.
I'm also thinking about theme-parties and funtimes we can have there. Obviously.
KEEP BEING EXCITED. that's what I'm telling myself.
Flash Gordon and I were talking last night about how we both have lived in the same places and worked the same jobs (together) for the past 5 years. I feel like moving is setting things in motion in some ways. It's learning how to go through changes and get used to new things.
I'm going to hopefully stop being set-in-my-ways, and more open to people and learning how to take care of a home and respect spaces.
Just another part in my self-training for becoming the best mum ever.
what you're not supposed to tell people all the time that you want kids someday?
fuck that. you know what I hate? when people go on about how they don't want kids because they think it makes them somehow cooler than people who do.
Wanting to be a good parent is a totally cool goal and I'm the coolest guy I know of.
Or will be in a few years at least.
Also, at some point I'm pretty sure I'm going to be the best partner ever. IN CASE YOU WANTED TO APPLY.

Responsible parents drink double-sized bottles of Corona, right?

Me and Carla Ghee should probably just have babies now. We're so calm, collected, settled in our lives. And goddammit are we responsible!

Uncle Norman won't be allowed to hold the babies. hahaaa. just kidding, Norman, you can.
Actually, I really like Norman's new blog post. All of his blogs, actually.

Oh yeah also, last night we were at Hoops:

and Ellefry (favourite bartender, obvi) insisted I should blog this perfect caesar she made for Flash Gordon:

hahahaaaaa Flash Gordon face.
Also then one of our friends from the comedy shows we go to was in this commercial that kept playing and Flash Gordon insisted it wasn't him and I insisted that it was and then I emailed him saying something like "PROVE ME RIGHT" (paraphrase) and he happened to be at his friend's place across the street and came by and told Flash Gordon that I was right.
Haaaa, great timing!
I need more people to just show up and say I'm right. for sure!
Then he stayed for some beers and we chatted away. awwww funtimes with friends!

I wore my Canucks colours and then we won!!
I ended off my evening by going up to dot for a bit with the gang, which is always nice. Especially if I'm going to take it easy a bit this week (and by easy I mean, not be at the bar until last call every single night).
Wish me luck!
Also, someone come over soon and start packing for me. Yeah?
Or at least come eat cookies with me.