I voted!
I've been on about the election quite a bit over Facebook and interested in what other people are saying, much more so than in the past.
But then I'm also pretty lazy. I fully considered just not voting and then telling people I did. Luckily I am a bad liar. It's easy to feel like your vote actually doesn't matter. What is one vote?
But it does matter. And if more people took it actually, truly, seriously then maybe we wouldn't have to deal with Harper in this way.

the winds and rains blew some boats into the harbour I guess?
It's funny how you get used to something and then all of sudden, boats!
Went to comedy last night! Let's Get Hot at the Rivoli.
And Flash Gordon came and then Ruckus came and we laughed. And ate pad thai.
It was the second last Let's Get Hot which is hosted by two of my favourites (who I also am managing to turn into IRL friends), Chris Locke and Aaron Eves.
Flash Gordon was super incensed about this show coming to an end. I have to say, I'm on her team. It'll be a bit annoying since it's our favourite. But I expect that these people will keep being funny in different places and we'll keep following them around like lost ducklings.
Twitter is kind of the best for comedians, most of the people who I'm actually into following are comedians or at least pretty funny. the on-going jokes are the best, and I love when people get in on them and keep them going forever.
fuck, I love jokes. ya know??
My favourite comedian that I follow on twitter who I would never have heard of if not for Twitter I bet, is Megan Amram. Mrs and I were reading them outloud the other night and falling onto the ground. My top favourites?
"One man's trash is another man's my dad."
"Pretty upset my mood ring turned blue - I'm not ready to be a parent!!"
"You can tell a lot about a person by reading my boyfriend's email"
"Before I flush, I softly whisper "I miss us.""
honestly I'm having a hard time choosing, I think these are the best. Too bad, here are some more:
"I'm one of those girls who can eat whatever she wants and not get married!!"
"In my experience, less than 40% of people wearing "Duke" sweatshirts are actual dukes."
"My fantasy basketball team = five dragons and a chupacabra"
"I only drink on days that end in sobbing"
"I may not party a ton, but get a couple of Mike's Hard in me and I can be QUITE the cryer ;)"
"You don't KNOW ME, password security question, my loose mother was never a MAIDEN"
"I'm not one of those high maintenance girls who has to brush her hair AND her teeth."
(I've said this one at least 40 times in the past few days, and generally meant it...)
At the stadiums I work at I work with people who are just regular. Like the kind of people who have 9-5 jobs and then work a second job (stadium) because they literally like money more than they like time to themselves.
these are the type of people who mysteriously just seem to know how to have boyfriends, get engaged, get married, be married, go to clubs, not care about voting, shower daily, work jobs, blow-dry their hairs, BBM, have kids, own cars, go to all-inclusive resorts...
So bizarre!
I like working with them because I think otherwise I'd be a bit sheltered with how all my friends are pretty like-minded and on my team about most things.
Not that I'm not jealous of certain things about their lives. Like I wish I knew how to dress myself or not be covered in cat hair all the time.
But man, it's weird that they think that I'm the strange one!
Occasionally I'll admit to something like not having showered that day, or not having brushed my hair in days, or having 10 crushes who all play in the same band, and they get so weirded out by this.
Or that I'm never in a serious relationship? Most of my co-workers do not know how to get on board this idea. And they seem mystified that I seem alright with this.
Occasionally I get offers to be set up with someone's friend but man, unless he can make music, art, jokes, or super intelligent conversation (or at least has a huuuuuuge dick [just kidding, gross, put that away, sorry mum]), I really have no interest.
Also... I'm pretty sure I don't really need setting up. Though I am always fascinated by the idea of it!
I'm not totally a fan of the sad looks I get about it, I'll tell ya that for free.
It is my job to be happy whatever I'm doing. What if I eventually end up with someone who I want to be with forever and I've not had all the fun beforehand?
What if I get sad and start dating someone just because it's what I think I should do and then they ruin my self-esteem and treat me like shit and so I can never leave them?
What if I get sad and start dating someone and treat them like shit because I don't really like them that much but I feel like I should be with someone and so I stick around and pick at them to make me feel better about myself?
Not interested in doing that!
Interested in hanging out and having fun and making jokes about baaaabes all day forever and maybe sometime I'll date someone and until then keep your damn sadfaces to yourselves, co-workers!
Haaa, I was describing one of my crushes to a co-worker the other day and she was like "hmmm... he sounds like a hipster"
Anyway, mmoving along....

this is my face and below my face is one of the 3 (!!!) scarves that Dollface brought back for me from Asia.
I guess I didn't post these photos from Ronnies last week?

I should have finished out the Chees to Cheesbrough onto my head in that one, hey?

Firehorse's favourite pink tuque is like a beacon, I can find him anywhere!
One time forever ago a friend of mine and I went home with a couple of dudes from Ronnie's. They had a giant apartment that was like an office building and most of the coffee table was used for an ashtray.
She ended up sleeping on the one guy's futon in his room instead of making out with him.
I refused to put out and the dude I was making out with was a bit irritated, I stayed over still. That's what I'm like.
We went and got coffee the next morning as he was leaving for work and he slapped my butt.
I'm not the kind of person who gets their butt slapped.
oh, except as a joke. All the time as a joke.

I really don't remember much about that dude at all, now that I think about it.
point being, I'm not socially awkward, and neither is anyone I know.
haaaaa Dollface has taken to giving herself high-fives all the time and I find this hilarious.

Norman is avoiding us these days and not partying. He is turning his ship around and becoming productive again. Congrats, but also.... a bit sad.
haaaaha awwww.

Firehorse is a happy lumberjack!

In case you were unclear of where we were and I didn't mention it enough.