Holy good goddamn I am exhausted these days.
I don't think that there is any good reason? Probably stress?
I had a coffee today and I had some eggs and potatoes and some vegetables and I walked the dog and did some errands and now all I want to do is lie in bed and look at the ceiling.
All my limbs are like lead. Is lead heavy? if so then that's what I mean.

I biked home in the rain last night. I mostly rode on sidewalks. They were empty so I only felt a bit bad. no, actually, not bad at all.
Bikes are like magic. Magic quick so fast, faster than cars in the city faster than cabs they are like miracles. Rode by a car in traffic last night and a dude shouted out the window at me "you should get a horse, it'd be faster". I didn't really get it. But I definitely was going faster than that car... I'd like to have a horse, though.
But I'd be scared my friends would eat it.

I think there is a distinct possibility that I will be missing having a cat way more than I am willing to consider. Does this mean that I will have to get several boyfriends with cats? Obviously.

One of my new roommates is very into cooking weird animals. This is my idea of hell. Hahahaaaaa I know that part of moving out is to get less set in my ways and more easy-going and stuff. But talk about trial by fire.
It'll be okay.
She is only living with us for a bit because then she's going on a chef-training tour of Canada where she will be killing her own stuff and cooking it. Which is cool?
I know that in theory I should respect people who can kill and eat their own food way more than people who just eat things other people have gotten for them, but...
I don't really understand being able to kill, either.
I kind of understand eating meat when it doesn't look like anything that's ever been alive and it tastes good, I can understand wanting to ingest that.
But I don't really understand wanting to slice something's throat and then eat it.
I mean, if I were hungry enough, for sure! But not just because.
I just don't get it. And I get sulky and defensive when I try to discuss things like this. YAY goddamn I am so mature.
It's okay it's okay I gotta get used to the world more. I'm so set in my ways. Ai yii.

Moving is so so so so soon. I'm too exhausted to get up and keep packing. No, I will. Everything gets thrown into garbage bags! Everything will be fine!

I have the long hair these days, hey? It sort of drags down my face but I'm not cutting it I hate wearing glasses in the summer I need contact lenses
I want to go with Violet to Europe this summer I want to travel forever
gotta look at cottage dates soon............................
Oh yeah, we will need a new roommate August 1st, I'm warning you now so you can give your notice and come and live with us. It will be very fun I will be nice for once. Not sulky.
Please pass on the word to the coolest people you know of. THANKS.

For some reason all I want to do is listen to these two songs:
I Can't Make You Love Me -- Bonnie Raitt
All That You Have is Your Soul -- Tracy Chapman
I'm not recommending watching either of these vids, really, just listening to these songs. So good. Also I've been singing both of them to Kaya while I walk her. Poor Kaya.
hahaa I'm also getting good at ventriloquism by singing while I walk but not wanting people to be able to tell that I'm singing to myself. Coooooool.