I broke my computer. triple sad face for sure.
I think it's just that the screen isn't connecting to the computer, just black. The computer itself seems to be working. Hopefully!
I think I can either hook it up to an external monitor or get it repaired. Fingers crossed!
I have too much to deal with in my mind/life right now I don't have room for this worry. Firehorse lent me this "spare" computer for the moment, which is so great of him!
It's a pc, he needed it for watching this one particular porn he couldn't download to his mac. Kidding?
Good thing I didn't update yesterday or today, it's been a bit overwhelming and a bit of a shitshow, I was rather exhausted and unable to deal with life by the end of yesterday.
Luckily I met up with most of the best people in the world at Hoops for an amazing hockey game, which made me feel a lot better.
The tenants who were moving out of this place left it in an unreal insane disaster. It was so nuts!
Our property manager had to call a junk removal service to come and get a truckload of garbage! They left vegetables and styrofoam containers of meat out in the overflowing garbage bins in the sun! Sssssickening.

We were pretty appalled. It is still outrageously filthy and I have not got even a third of what needs to be done done... But it's kind of satisfying work.
I kind of lived in my last place like it was temporary for 7 years. So this time I'm treating it like it's permanent right from the get-go.

We did inherit a few things from this disaster including some chairs and shelving for the patios, some good solid wood shelves for indoors, and a bbq!
And last night I slept in my new room under the open window and it was fucking lovely.

And I've been sitting on all the decks and already enjoying the shit out of them. My balcony, especially, is such a treat. Since it's off my room and the step up out onto it is so lovely and the door has bits of red glass and etched glass and the molding on it is amazing. Also the archway in my room is super amaze.

We're painting everything white. Everything needs to be painted so badly.
I'm thinking when that's done I'll take down the yellow curtains over my window and put up lace ones only below the stained glass. Thoughts?
And when I'm done setting it up and we paint it and everything it will be unbelievable. I honestly think that.
Even scouring the nastiest tub is bearable because it's a majestic clawfoot by a window and good goddamn my baths are going to be taken next-level!
Sorry, I know lots of you are on my facebook/twitter and know all this already. But for posterity I have to say it all again!

My god I have some nice stuff. Too much of it, for sure, but some really lovely pieces.

Ha, our kitchen is so bright that it washes out all the photos. Good problem to have!

Best discovery of the past few minutes? JINGLE BELL DOORBELL! fuck yeah! what is this magic haven I've stumbled into?

My bruises are coming in quite nicely, thank you. They're even nicer today! Wow, moving is so dumb.
But the payoff will be amazing? Right?
Today I called my mother and then ran through the apartment and slid along the floors yelling. Because I could.
Now Firehorse is working and I am in the kitchen I hung a lamp over the kitchen table, it's getting very cozy in here.
Our friend came by this afternoon and said "it's looking so cozy already" hahaahaha YEAH. that's what I'm in charge of!
Okay bye! Please think about what you're going to get me for a house-warming gift.