It definitely 100% feels like fall today. In an alright way. I left the house wearing a sweater and a jersey dress and it was okay for a bit but I definitely wore my new jacket home.
Met Poppy and Cpt. Heh for coffee at Ella's Uncle and then we wandered over to Kensington.
I ended up buying a sweet black corduroy hooded jacket (for fall!!!) at Vintage Depot and getting a black backpack (been looking for a sweet one lately) at Sub Rosa Vintage. If I had money I would buy many, many items from Sub Rosa. Poppy got a funny green striped shirt, also.
Sub Rosa is owned by my friend that was in the Hey, George little film with me.
She is very, very nice and pretty and I'm a bit jealous of her owning that store, I'll be quite honest.
Remember when I'd just finished highschool and I decided to open a recycled clothing store? Yeah, this lady is living my dream. Sigh.
I bit these photos from the Sub Rosa blog. Some of these things are probably still for sale there so you can buy them.
The store is located right beside Courage My Love at 16 Kensington Ave. So go there. And buy things.
Oh yeah, that's also where I got my new glasses that I love.

Yep, those ones.

These photos are from brunch yesterday. Best Aunties times are ones that last all afternoon.

It started out just me and Miss Lindeman and that was pretty nice because she's pretty nice.

(she has one fake strong fingernail for playing banjo with. Kind of neat.)
Then this friend

and his friend joined us and we had sort of separate conversations but also overlapping. And then those dudes left.

Then Deck came and joined us and refused to look nice for photos.

But he got the sandwich special (obviously). (I had tacos. Obviously.)

Then Miss Lindeman left and Niki came by. And we had a time. And during this time she would not allow her picture to be taken. Just like always.

Oh yeah, and there were babies! Lots of babies around. I like when people's faces change when they're looking at babies. Cute. McGruff loves babies and he's so funny with them.

I would definitely leave him in charge of my children.
McGruff was laughing about the revolving door at my table and said I should have a talk show. I agree. I would be an excellent interviewer. If all the questions were about me.
Then when I got home I found that I had somehow broken the lens on my digital SLR camera!!!!!!!!!!!
Which is probably my fault for announcing how much money I'd payed off on my credit card this month. Uh huh ugh.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that it snowed in Saskatoon today. Thanks, Facebook/Twitter for passing on important news.
I'm ready to start getting ready for Christmas.