Now, darling, don't be hard on yourself just because the world is against you. C'mon now -- are you responsible for a worldwide recession that has gutted your industry? Is it your fault that acting is an ensemble art, and they can't cast one person who is head and shoulders above the others in talent, charm, intelligence and beauty without making the others look bad? OF COURSE IT ISN'T, Just hang on -- the world will be ready for you soon. And keep practicing your waving -- someday soon you're going to need it!
There's a great line in that play that I understudied in this summer, 36 Little Plays About Hopeless Girls: "I really think your total confidence is an over reaction to my being your daughter."
I forgot there was a staff party tonight after our shift but luckily I got reminded and we all went. It ended up being a good crowd of us, despite no one remembering about it. I guess we're all lame and have nothing pressing to do on a Saturday night.
I had some free drinks and some free food (holy shit I ate so much (GLUTEN) pizza and I am not feeling particularly well right now and I am not looking forward to the morning) and made some jokes.
We also won some (lame) prizes but the ones I got were pretty funny but I can't tell you about them until I give them to whom they are intended. Did that make sense? no but the free drinks did.

I still haven't posted the pictures from the staff party in April. But I might. There's one. I look insane. Like usual.
Going to try and go to Montreal this week or maybe next weekend. Who's in???
Oh come on, like you have anything to do, really.
On an unrelated note, I can't look at the pictures of those kittens I used to have without my heart physically hurting.
And don't even get my started on Tilda Swinton. Or Rudyard Kitling. Or Touro Christmas Kierkegaard.