I'm liking Thanksgiving more the past couple of years, maybe it's because I get invited to more dinners? Probably.
Cpt. and I took the go train out to Mississauga. I love taking the go train! It's still a novelty to me. Also, I love trains in general. I should become a conductor. Or at least play one on TV.

Didn't take any photos at dinner. It's funny being at dinners with other people's families.
The Cpt.'s family made a lot of sense to me. Explained Cpt. a bit. Also, he looks just like both of his parents, which I found funny (especially since one is Italian and one is half Filipino).

They were very loud and kind of mean to each other and I found that pretty fun. Also if people are being loud and mean I find it impossible not to join in.

In other news, I love cheesecake and I have to go to work right now.
Sass, the pictures from Sneaky Dee's last night are up on my Flickr, I just don't have time to put them over here yet. Feel free to grab them if you'd like.