I'm so impressed with myself right now. I'm so easily impressed, I always think I do a good job. That's why I get away with doing so little.

My mum got me these antique knob things in my stocking last year and they've just been lying around here since then and every once in awhile I pick them up and think "man, I should do something with these, they're beautiful..."
So I finally put them up!

I first meant from them to be necklace holders but then I liked them so much just plain like that with the leaves hanging from them.

Luckily I also had this antique light-switch cover that's been lying around for even longer. It's got four holes for switches and I only have single light switches.
Turns out it makes an awesome necklace holder, though.

So, so pleased.

I cleaned up a bunch today, actually. And reorganized some stuff and decorated a bit more even. Don't get me wrong, I'm still living in squalor, just less so.

I'm not feeling well so I decided it was fine if I made cupcakes and ate three of them. Wheat!
So far I'm not feeling any worse, really. Well, pretty spacey but there's nothing that I need to do so it's okay.
I watched four episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm and made Christmas origami (hey, it's step in the right direction if I'm at least doing stuff while I watch internet TV.. right?).