Theresa, cord-eater!

Now that Theresa and I are best friends she seems less than impressed when I go out on the town too much. Poor lonely little lady.

She's very cute and nice. I just wish she would stop wrecking my things.

I have a ridiculous face. Lucky me.

I'm ready to book something soon, guys. Really ready.
Today I biked across town to go to a go-see (ha, sounds like I'm a model and shit) for being a body double/stand-in. I'm fine with doing anything like that. It's all money and work, ya know.
Someone hire me okay thanks.

This is my new favourite ring. I love it. It is way too gaudy. I saw a woman with what I presume to be a real version of this ring and I wanted it. It was a bit smaller and an engagement band. How come I never get engaged and get diamonds? That's weird.

Hands look gross close up. Just like lots of things. Thanks Captain Obvious. You're welcome.
Work tonight and I think it's going to rain but I'll bike down there anyway? I'm always late when I take the TTC always okay when I bike. Mostly. I'm a tardy kind of person. I don't want to always be. I blame the internet. And the patriarchy.
Oooohhh, speaking of which: you know what's annoying? When you try to point out sexism and then people defend themselves by telling you that it's a fact. Guess what? It's not a fact that a woman will always make more tips than a man. Too bad, it's not fact. Sure, maybe it frequently happens that way but it's not a guarantee. And arranging your staffing based on gender is sexism. Too bad, it's still true.
Sexism tires me out.
Actually, I'm tired all the time these days. Is it seasonal depression?? Maybe! I better take some vitamin D!
Hey guys come to see Deck's band, Born To Busk at Rancho Relaxo tomorrow night, okay? He has a pretty voice and 90s sensibilities.
And there'll be babes there. (Well, me at least.)