uh oh I have about a billion pictures from the Macallan scotch tasting last night!

I think I was pretty much the only one being an obnoxious self-obsessed blogger. By which I mean, I was the only one taking a million pictures of myself and the babes I brought with me.
Speaking of which, there were so many men there! The room was virtually all men!

Though most of the Matchstick people were lovely ladies. Or most of them that I interacted with at least.
I should've brought more ladies with me, but I was stuck with JL

(inspecting the colour - no caramel added!)
and Poppy


It was nice for me to get back to my Scottish roots, ya know?


I had fun tasting all the scotches. We had a bunch of different ages all very different. My favourite was the 10. Is that bad?
No, probably not.
It was nice because the Macallan guy was very lovely and relaxed about it and said we could enjoy our scotch however we'd like!
I like that attitude. I should be able to put water or ice or rocks (??) in my scotch if I want to!

(I want more tights like this for Christmas, in case you're wondering...)
I took a picture of this chocolate:

because I was so excited to eat it!
But then...

JL ate it while I wasn't looking!
And I laughed and laughed. And complained. And then the Macallan presenter got me a bunch more chocolate and JL ate most of that as well.. Classic.

He made this heart, possibly to show just how sorry he was. I was not impressed.

nope, yep, I was. My mistake.

Poppy made me a bottle of scotch. He said it was a "cock-and-balls" but a few quick tweaks and it was much classier. I'm like an origami guru.

I didn't get a good picture of the ice-ball making machine, but rest assured - it was a hit.
By which I mean: What the hell??? Who even invents something like that???
Okay I'm saving a few for later. Lucky you!