I know a lot of people have been whining on about how Nuit Blanche wasn't very good, but honestly, I think it's always pretty fun. If you decide to have fun at something then you probably will.

I love the concept of it - all night art party!
I love art and I love party-all-the-time, so obviously this is right up my alley.

I'll admit, for me Nuit Blanche has definitely been way more about drinking wine from my water bottle than it's been about art.

I think next year's goal is to actually go to more areas and see more exhibits and interact more with the interactive installations (I love interactive installations. Obviously.)

This year I worked two jobs during the day before Nuit Blanche and had a cold so it was definitely not the best set-up. I was completely content to hang in Bellwoods for awhile and then wander down into Liberty Village to see some cardboard and giant drunk crowds.

Deck saw one of his friends riding on the bikes (? not really a bike) in this installation and we yelled at her a lot. I love art parties.

I only made it to about 4 a.m., but I felt like I did a good job, still. I was so, so tired.
I think Sass did a good job of doing Nuit Blanche (judging from that blog post), I wish I'd seen the giant silver bunny in the Eaton Centre and I wish I'd gone down a fun slide.
Also, The Untold City has a great set of photos from the night. If you're interested in non-shitty photos. Which I don't know why you would be.
Favourite picture from last year's Nuit Blanche:

I think my old camera took better night-time shots...
Nuit Blanche post from last year.