We stopped at Ingalls Falls on the way back to Toronto. Holy nice out. Luckily JL had that wrecked ankle so he didn't make me hike around (just kidding, I don't mind hiking. sometimes. ugh, why am I so lazy?)

There were a lot of seniors around. Therefore we did not cause shenanigans. Seniors are not into shenanigans.

Can you spot the brooding tall fellow:

I tried to take some timer jumping shots and the camera jumped off the rail it was balanced on as it took the picture. I shouldn't be allowed to own fancy things.

It does cause me to laugh much harder when someone else is witness to how bad I am at jumping.

Hi, I'm 12:

No, but really look how little I look! No wonder no one ever takes me seriously! How silly I must look when I'm angry!

I should've gotten JL to one like that too.

Ohh, great, take your bad ankle out onto a balancing-place

We stopped in Orangeville to visit Miss Lindeman's mother's store, which is called Drangonfly Arts and is located on Broadway.
I don't know why I didn't take any photos there. Because I'm dumb?
I did get a bunch of Christmas gifts though, and we did visit with Miss Lindeman's mum. She showed us a lot of glass beads and if I really needed another crafting interest, that might be it.
Oh, good, here are some photos of the store from a couple of summers ago.

There are many more mittens in the window display this time of year.
And then we came back to Toronto and then the road trip was over.
The End.