
eat your teeth get 8 hours of drugs brush your vitamins

You can't be mad at people who do drugs. Think about how fun doing drugs is! I wish I did more drugs. When I'm old I'm planning on doing many drugs. After I've done everything that needs doing.
reasons I don't do drugs:
1. I have a hard enough time staying sane as is.
2. I have issues with limits (see: food, alcohol, coffee, etc.)
3. I want to have kids and I don't want to wreck them before they're even born.
4. I wouldn't want to come down off drugs.

I wish I could do drugs.
I just took some cold medicine and now my headache is gone and I feel good. (Obviously.)

Was in the worst mood ever last night and into today. Think it might be seasonal depression. Been really really tired, too. Like, sleep for 12 hours a night tired.
I took some vitamins last night after eating a bit and then I felt soooo ill right up until 4 in the morning when I finally went to sleep. When vitamins attack!

Brunch today with Dollface and our friend who I don't know if she has a nickname on here or not. Also, wouldn't even know what to call her. I should make a characters page on here so that I can refer back to it to see who everyone is.
Anyway, it was lovely. Second time this week I've stayed at Aunties until they closed..
Went to Shoppers and bought creme brule body lotion and then did the laundry and then had a good bath and now I smell like candy. Mmmmhmmmm.

I couldn't take good photos at Deck's show because my good camera is broken. So I took some bad ones!

Had a really fun time that night, though. It ended up being me, Poppy, Sass, and Niki. Which ended up being kind of a weirdly nice combo, I thought. We danced a bit and made some pretty funny jokes. Poppy has more about the evening over on his blog. Ha, the next day Poppy asked what "Chewy"'s real name was. And I was like "what are you talking about?", turns out when I introduced Sass (by her real name, which I guess sounds sort of like Chewy?) to him he thought I said Chewy. That's an awesome name. I wish that were her name.


I like Deck's music a lot, sometimes it's hard to figure out if you like someone's music because you're friends or if it's because it's good. I think it's good. And I think I'm lucky that so many of my friends play awesome music.
Though I am only friends with geniuses. So... you know.


Rainy rainy rainy rainy good thing I have rain boots and a rain slicker. Gotta go take the dog out into the rain then gotta socialize.
Also, gotta get my act together soon rather than later. Gotta do more, accomplish things, get good at things.
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