Lately I just haven't been drinking that much tea, I got through phases, I guess. I drink a lot more coffee. I should stop, I'm getting too reliant on it.
I did have tea the other day (last weekend, already??) with Sass at Aunties. It was a weird fucking day where neither of us took any pictures. Rare.

I never believe that cleaning up my house will make me feel better/more creative/more energetic. Too bad, it always does. ALWAYS.

My house isn't even close to tidy (check out clothes mountain in the background, etc) but it is a lot better and all of a sudden all my crafting supplies and writing desk look so much more appealing. It's a lovely feeling. I hope I don't blow it by surfing around on the internet all damn day.

A cleaner house makes me enjoy all my possessions about a billion times more. This teapot + cup (the teapot sits on top of the cup!) are my mum's but she leant them to me indefinitely and I love them. I never use them though. I'm going to start. I have so many lovely things. And so much junk. I should get rid of things.

I've been playing with the settings on this point-and-shoot. I miss my dslr, I'm in the process of getting another lens. Soon, hopefully.
But I like this new "cloudy" setting in the programmable. I like the programmable setting, in general. Getting great pictures with a point-and-shot is probably harder than using an slr.
Right, then.

Didn't mean to go out last night but when I was at Dollface's after walking the dog I was busy watching Medium (shut-up that show is so bad it went back to good again. No, not quite.) and then Dollface called and said she was on her way home and then we would PARTY. And since she promised I could have some prosecco I decided I'd stick around.
She brought home another friend and we drank that prosecco and then headed to the drake for about one minute then moved next door to the Beaconsfield where a fellow bought us some shots (yayayayay shots, I'm not supposed to do those at all). Dollface was chatting up a babe and so we went with him and his friend (I'm a good little wingman!) to Lakeview at about 3 a.m. for grilled cheese and stuff.
Pretty fun times, I've been thinking about taking a party-break but it just isn't happening, my life just isn't built that way.

I got that green sweater at Honest Ed's the other day. I can't explain how much I love Honest Ed's. That green sweater is from H&M I guess? Kind of funny. Also, I didn't see any more like it. Random. It is more green in real life than in those pictures. It will be good for Christmas (which is two months and one day away - in case you're keeping track). I also bought some sweet little black boots:

Honest Ed's has a lot of mittens and tuques for super-cheap right now, in case you're wondering. Also, their nylons cost one dollar and they are pretty decent. Not as good as Dollarama, but still.