
Mid-Week Friendship Retreat Weekend Round-Up Part One

Okay okay yeah, so, Deck and I drove out last Monday and met up with Cpt. Heh and Miss Lindeman and our friend um we'll call her.... Quail. Yes, that's it, Quail! Perfect. At Lindeman's parents' house which is sort of near some towns but not even really, it's past the Superburger. Apparently if you're from around there you'll know where the Superburger is. I am not from around there.
We were all wearing plaid! Obviously! Hipster party! Except Quail, that's why she was in charge of taking that picture.
Look at how much fun they're having already!

When we got there the Lindemans had made us some lunch and it was fresh biscuits and gazpacho and then there was this wonderful crisp that we ate outside on the lawn:
Omgs. Yes. I love crisps. Not to point out the obvious or anything, but I think I might even like crisps better than the average person does. I would bet.

Went for a walk in the Lindemans' back forest and fields.

Cpt. Heh decided to try and climb trees.
He got bark in his eyes. "Not in my laser eyes!" he screamed!
Kind of a sweet dismount though.
Then he got a bug bite
to which he over-reacted.
The men discussed ways to beat off enemies. Mostly they wanted to use sticks.
We saw people coming down the path (in the back woods in the middle of nowhere, not even in a town or anything ) and it turned out to be a dude from Toronto who we all knew. Pretty wild. Proving once again that the world is very very small.
Good thing the boys didn't attack them with their sticks.

We found tiny frogs!
And I touched it!
It was very cute. And small. And hoppy.
We saw bigger frogs too:
Also awesome. I think we saw another kind too in the grass, but it hopped off very quickly.

Cpt. stopped to go pee
We all cheered him on, then lay around in it!

Big sighs.

Came back to the house and had cookies (that Niki and I [mostly Niki] made) and beer with Lindeman's parents.
Luckily Quail had put on her plaid by that point! Relief!
I used my prairie skillz and blew on some grass to make loud noises. Obnoxious!

Okay that's enough for today I think. It was super fun though, in case you were wondering. I think I had a smug little smile pretty much the entire time. I would.


Work was so brutal last night, we were overstaffed and I was working in the outfield (aka middle of nowhere). Made no money, pretty annoying.
I'm working at the soccer pitch instead tonight. It has never been nice when I'm working outside over there, so I fully expect it to rain today. Wonderful. Hopefully it's a bit fun, at least. Sometimes it is. Could be. Fingers crossed.

I'm thinking I'm going to do my passport application very soon.
yes, that's right, I don't have a passport. Why would I have a passport, I've never even crossed the border!
But I would like to go to Paris in the fall! And while I'm Europe it seems like I should visit fam in England? And I'd like to take a train somewhere.
I really want an atlas! Anyone? Gifties?

Need to book something. I am ready to do so, though. So any day now.

Time to go lie around for awhile before work.