ready and able, I guess
yep, working a bunch for the next week or so. Lots and lots. Going to make a tonne of cash. I decided.

Okay here are some photos from the drive up to Miss Lindeman's parent's place (which is the woods somewhere near the SuperBurger that's all I know). We went there first and then on to Owen Sound to visit Deck's parents. I have about a billion photos of the whole thing so you'll have to hold on because I'm not posting them all today. Geez.
Gotta have a slurpee otherwise it's not a roadtrip, don't know when that tradition started, kind of wish it wasn't so.. I usually don't even drink slurpees though I do love them so.

get the tunes on let's get outta here already I have my slurpee I am so ready to go

Why does Deck look so smug? Is it because he was making fun of me for taking a billion photos of myself? I bet so!


Yep, pretty exciting drive, hey? I loved it, actually, I never get to go on roadtrips my life is so hard, etc.
Okay more pictures later or something. Maybe not it's Red Sox weekend so work will be busy (fingers crossed). Besides that I'm trying to lay low though. For real. I think.