
got a broken heart and your name on my cast

oh hello city, thanks for being so humid! what a great welcome-home gift!

Awesome cottage time, extra sweet because I'm going back up there this weekend so right now I'm just on a vacation from the cottage. Nice.


Also, I've been on a pretty big bender the past few days (that's what cottages are about I guess?) and so I'm on a break from that.
Hmm. It turns out that cottages are not good for exercising at, but they are good for eating only tonnes and tonnes of junk food! Hurray!!!!!!! Fuck.

I did have some pretty fun swim times -- the first night we arrived at the cottage we all went skinny-dipping, except me. I've never skinny-dipped. Is that weird? I didn't see the point in skinny-dipping since I had been wearing my bathingsuit all gd day in anticipation of swim times.
Anyway, yeah, swim times, not as much as I should've, but enough. It wasn't as hot as it could have been, but we had some neat weather with some showers and some sun and some thunder and lightning.

Photos coming soon, I'm busy right now.

Okay fine, another couple from last year I guess.

Hey, good news though! I totally got a whole lot of writing/editing done yesterday afternoon/evening. I did not expect that to happen but it turns out being over-socialized and away from the internet is a winning combination!
Not blog-writing but actual creative writing. Writing that I need to be doing about a billion times more work on.
I can't believe how helpful not having the internet was while working on the computer. Even just in the span of writing this entry (about 15 minutes) I have gone to other tabs to check Facebook/gmail/google reader/etc/etc about 7 times. No exaggerating. I even went through one of my friend's entire Facebook profile pictures album (looking good, Carlos, very pretty freckles and I'm liking your natural hair colour -- I'm thinking of getting back to mine as well.. hmmm). It's so easy to waste hours and hours and hours on here. And actually do absolutely nothing. Need to stop.

almost like saskatchewan
(I love barns that you can see through. no really.)

Do you have any blogs you read that are infuriatingly boring/obnoxious but you just can't stop reading them? Maybe you get some perverse pleasure by reading such drivel? (this blog doesn't count, too bad.)

Holy hell I wish I were a more positive person, I wish I were nicer. I wish I were a baller I wish I had a girl I would call'er.

Okay back to the grind. I'm trying for two productive writing days in a row but who knows if that'll happen. My head hurts. I may or may not hit up a dance party where I will not drink but also kind of doubt it. Might go for a run? Hahaahahahahhhhaaaaa I HATE RUNNING FOR THE SAKE OF RUNNING.

Hey here's an article about Can you get fit in six minutes a week?" Ummmm that's a time frame I could get used to. Unfortunately I'm pretty anti-effort. Unless it's dance-effort. I guess I could go nuts on the dance floor for 30 seconds of time? The rest and groove out for four minutes and then go flipping nuts again? I feel like there'd be no way to not look insane doing this. But still!
It's really really hard to give an all-out effort as well. I tried this a bit in the water at the lake when I was by myself and
a) I believe that it could work
b) I was feeling way too lazy/hunnnng over/wheat coma to do it properly
c) It made me feel insane/worried that I looked insane (did)
d) I'm still interested in this theory of getting fit. If I did it every day would I become an uber-athlete? I bet!
Read the article. Found it through pageslap.wordpress.com -- pretty great blog also.