Guys does it make me a bad person if I'd rather foster a cat who is going to have KITTENS (!!!!) than just a regular old cat?
Of course, I will have a mental break-down when I have to part with the kittens (or worse, if one of them dies like one of Adventure Cat's siblings), but still.
I just love their faces. And when they don't know how to walk properly and then when they open their eyes and when the mumma cat carries them in her mouth.
Here is Adventure Cat as a baby:

Here is rerun sniffing her (I'm glad he didn't try to eat her):

I read this quote on Perez today from Twilight star Robert Pattinson:
"I had a stalker while filming a movie in Spain last year. She stood outside of my apartment every day for weeks - all day every day. I was so bored and lonely that I went out and had dinner with her. I just complained about everything in my life and she never came back. People get bored of me in, like, two minutes."
That's amazing.
That is totally the kind of celebrity I am going to be. In case you didn't already guess that.
I know that my mum is sending me a Valentines Day package and now that is all I can think of!
Where is it!? I want it!
Guys, I've never had a boyfriend on Valentines Day before.
Oh, except when I was involved with Toad and we were off at the time and he showed up at the highschool on Valentines Day (probably not even realizing it was Valentines Day) and I flipped out at him and punched him a bit (with ineffectual raccoon paws) and then gave in and went with him to the pet store to buy crickets for Boris the spider to eat.
And in the car alone for a minute I felt the need to go through his glovebox and I found that almost everything in there had the name of his god written on it, sometimes subtly...
And then I went out to dinner with Killary and I think that was maybe the same year we started our tradition of being each others' Valentines.
Tradition still continues despite how we are never in the same city on the actual day, and despite how she is actually engaged now.
Valentines Day dinners can be held anytime just so long as you wear enough red and pink...
Anyway, I've never had a Valentines boyfriend, and I'm on a babe-break this year and so I will be on my own again. I don't really mind though, I'm too in love with my friends/lifestyle/future husband to really care.
How is that babe-break going?
Well, I might have had a minor slip-up, but I'm back on the Romantical Sabbatical and trying to be sensible about things.
At least I am aware of my levels of crazy. Doesn't that count for anything?
This part is not for boys, it is about lady-business:
I have never ever in my natural-born life had a late period. My periods are ridiculously regular, obnoxious, long, painful, etc. Never ever late (maybe by a day and also I can delay it with my mind in extreme situations). So, anyway, it was more than a week late this time around and I have to say, pretty glad that I haven't done it in a long enough that I wasn't worried. Really glad, actually. Because I am paranoid enough as it is.
Anyway, my body has been acting very strangely and I think there might be something wrong with me, but I am refusing to go to the doctor because I don't like doctors.
And I hope this isn't like how when I was little I wanted glasses because all my friends had them and so I wished for them and now I have to wear them all the time.
Because when I was younger and had pretty bad IBS I wished for something to be wrong with me (mostly because I wanted to be diagnosed and treated and I wanted to hang out in the hospital). I hope I am very healthy forever.
Also, my friend told me that the reason why she has 2-day periods is because she wills it to be so.