(though I wouldn't be shocked if she popped another out tomorrow, maybe that's her thing, who knows)

Everyone seems happy and healthy and Tilda Swinton is sort of a bad teenage mum who would rather cuddle with me than the kittens. No, she's good, she just loves me too much.

Awwwww. I know, right?

Looking like three little tabbies, I love how they're like a set right now, from lightest to darkest.
It'll be neat to see their patterns and subtle colours come out. And to see their personalities...

The greyest is #1, the darkest is #2 and the one climbing over is #3.
No certainty on gender yet, I'm kind of just assuming they're all boys. Who knows why.
Love them already.
Watching them fight over nipples while Tilda snoozes is very funny to me. And also very cute.
I wonder if I can use the word cute more in these entries?
Sorry to anyone who has no interest in cats!
I was thinking about babe-break and how long it should be and when it should end, etc.
I'm kind of pleased with it lately, but also... missing babes. If you know what I mean.
I've been having jealousy fits lately at well-matched couples. Especially couples in the arts. Especially couples who work well together and inspire each other and create together..
So lucky, those guys.
I am not kidding at all when I say that I could really use a producer/director babe. Or a writer babe, or a photographer babe. Someone who was good for my career is as well as for me.
Man, I need a rich husband...
Anyway, I'm thinking that babe-break should continue indefinitely, until:
a) I meet a babe that I can't-not get involved with
b) A very very fun situation happens
I'm getting way better at not pushing things with people I know I shouldn't get involved with. Still not the best interacter... but still.
And I'm trying to stop recycling. For sure.
Post about the ACTRA awards tomorrow, hopefully!
And hopefully more exciting things happen that have nothing to do with cats.. maybe..