Awww man, one of my favourite Mad Men as Tiny Fey's love interest, roofie jokes, Alec Baldwin playing multiple characters......
That Mad Man was so good on that show too. I'm always so pleased when people who are obviously skilled at drama pull out an awesome comedy performance.
Also, I got up at 9 today. Because I am a responsible adult who acts in responsible fashions. And who gets things done. After I get caught up on my stories, at least.

Also, I just made some of the best soup I've eaten in awhile. In fact, I'm going to go eat more of it right away here.
Mistletoe Black Bean Delight
1 large onion
1 tsp oil
2 cloves garlic
1 potato
1/2 red pepper
juice of one lemon
1/2 jar of (herdez) salsa
1 can of black beans
2 tsps cumin
salt and pepper
boil up the onion and garlic and oil and salsa and maybe put some water in too, yeah that's nice, then add the potato and the pepper and the salsa and let that boil for a pretty long time and then put in some lemon juice, sure, and the can of black beans and cook that up for a long time until the potatoes are pretty soft. add some spices and stuff. then blend up about 3/4 of the mixture and and then mix it all back together again. Voila!
I kind of wish I had some sour cream to go on the top, but it's not like I need the calories...

Hoooly so good.