Thanks a lot, Tilton.

That last picture reminds me, remember when I got L'Oreal's Beauty Tubes mascara? Well I'm still pretty into it, and I've been sent this coupon for you, just click on it and it'll take you to their website where you enter in that code number you see (C498) and they'll send you a coupon for $5 off.
Pretty nice.
Oh yeah, also, one time at work a couple of weeks ago some random customer lady said "wow you can't buy lashes like that" and I said "actually you can..."
Haha I am not even kidding or making that up.
Also I feel like sometimes they look so long that it's kind of weird. Especially since sometimes I don't wear any mascara at all and then I look like a blonde rabbit.
Yeah, I don't even know what that means, either.