Or, rather, STILL?
Bad karma, I'm assuming.
I think I'm going to have to stop going out in public. Public is filled with germs. Is this punishment for being the least germophobic person I've met? Probably.
Aw I feel like such garbage right now.
Here are a couple of photos that I took of a very cute girl from Foxfire a couple of weeks ago. She is very photogenic and these are not the best you'll see of her. But Whateverforever.

In other news:
I'm officially taking a layover off the babe-train for a bit.
Babe-Hiatus 2K9!!!!!!!
who's with me?
we can do fun things such as:
1) sleep alone (way more comfortable. Cuddling, who even needs that?)
2) stay home on Friday nights (do you even know how much TV on the internet there is?)
3) masturbate
4) dwell on lost loves (or dwell on not having loved properly)
5) hang out with girls! Yay girltime partytime!
6) talk about real issues instead of babe-dramz
7) call our mothers more often (haha mum cringed when she read that)
I have not decided how long this Sabbatical will last.
Maybe only a week or two. Hopefully until I become a good person.
After this sabbatical I will move on to another episode of MAPA (Meredith's Action Plan for Action), I'm sure. But until then -- lots of exercise, drinking less, eating better, spending less money, and concentrating on something other than my faulty-valved heart.
I did good work today, spent only $1.50 (on a coffee, or mood enhancer as I like to call it). Walked everywhere and a half. Watched TV with the dog. Had rehearsal for that short film we're doing. Ate good things (minus the pizza, maybe, but it was free... so... you know).
In other news, here are some pictures of babes. From that show I went to on Friday.

Can this dude seriously give me his CD soon? I am ready. He said he's waiting on the artwork and I said I WILL COLOUR IT IN FOR YOU JUST GIVE IT TO ME.
Was not convinced.