Well, don't worry, guys!
They are just fine, getting fatter by the moment. I don't have any great new photos for you as Tilda Swinton is not into letting me manhandle them as much as I'd like to (ie: all the time).
Actually, I'm pretty sure that Tilda is just jealous and wants all of my affections for herself.
She still sleeps on my head for at least part of the night. And I still kind of think it's nice. Kind of.

But. I did come home the other day to find only ONE kitten in the box. And I did panic a little bit. Not that they could have come to any harm, really, I mean Tilda couldn't drown them in the toilet herself or anything.
Turned out she had moved them on me.
Their box had been in the middle of the room, where Tilda generally was sleeping and she seemed fine with that, except that I had been handling them more recently and then had Mrs. over to see them and another friend drop by and Tilda had enough of that I guess. So she moved them behind my clothing rack behind my suitcase onto a coat which had fallen back there. The two of them were curled up asleep back there, much to my relief.
It took me a few minutes to find them though, moving everything very carefully. I didn't know where they were and what if I knocked something onto them and crushed them??
I moved them back to the box and then Tilda tried carrying one back to her hiding spot but dropped him, she then tried to pick him up by putting his whole head in her mouth!
bad teenage mom!

So obviously I moved the whole box to her hiding spot and she seems contented now. I'm annoyed because I like looking at them all day and now they are far. But that's okay. Maybe next week they'll open their eyes and be like real pets!
Cpt. Heh came over today and looked at them. He kept teasing Tilda that he was a hawk who was going to swoop in and eat up all her kittens.
Good thing she doesn't have a good grasp of english.
He also told the kittens to "learn how to walk" and made fun of them for being blind.

(thing 2!)
(OH, and when Cpt was coming to meet me for brunch today he said he was walking so fast that his legs were "like pistons" "go pistons, go!")
It's Friday night but I am not partying-all-the-time. I did, however, pick up a shift I did not expect to get at work tonight and made lots of money I wasn't expect but badly needed.
Mmm feels good.
And I have a special project all weekend, starting with a 8 a.m. call tomorrow morning.
Better get to sleeping...