I'm pretty into this cat, gotta tell you. It's nice to have a bud who wants to cuddle at all times at every second of every minute.
It helps that she's pretty, I guess.

Tied one on with Dollface and Sass and co. last night. I didn't really think about it but it's a good thing I didn't come home to Tilda having kittens all over the place. I wouldn't have been able to handle it.
Pretty fun timez though, with a lot of moving locations because nothing seemed fun enough at the time. Started at The Social, which I've never really enjoyed, gotta tell you. We bypassed the line and met up with some babes but it was full of young folks, weren't really feeling it so we headed to the drake and then to Beaconsfield, where we lost Sass in the mix, and finally headed to Lakeview Lunch at around 3... Where we ATE OUR FACES OFF.
It was so amazing. I had a veggie burger and salad and some of DF's grilled cheese and goddamn it was good. I'm pretty sure that was what saved me from not being terribly hungover this morning. Especially since I had 8 drinks instead of my safety limit of 6. Dollface was very good though, totally trying to get me to stop drinking. Go DF! Nice try...
Hey that nice gentleman (who's hitting on you) is buying us shots, how can I not do it??
Anyhow, made it home alive and not even ill.
And even got up semi-early to go and do pictures for my friend.
I should probably get to editing them...
Tilda Swinton is pretty into sleeping on top of my head. It's kind of charming, actually.

For a minute or two, at least.