

Today I went and spend more than $50 at Shoppers and then they gave me a $10 gift certificate. And I earned soooo many points. Shoppers is easily my favourite store. I can pretend I need virtually all the things I buy there.
It's getting bad.

Also today I made soup.
Monday Soup:
1 can mixed beans
1 can mixed vegetables
1 onion
4 cloves garlic
left-over spaghetti sauce

It's pretty good, gotta say. And the easiest soup that has ever been invented.

Also today I watched a couple of episodes of Gossip Girl. And it's pretty good. Much better than 90210. I mean, in the end, I'll watch pretty much anything.. but I do appreciate it when a show is actually somewhat entertaining.
And Gossip Girl has the best hairdos and the biggest babes, soooo that's merit if I've ever seen it. Also at least stuff happens on GG, unlike 90210 on which nothing happens at all ever. And they have SOOOOOO many characters. Thin characters who don't do anything and who bore each other for fun.

Also today I took heasdshots for my friend! That is actually what took up most of my day. Pretty fun times though. She does not enjoy having her pictures taken at all and it was neat to see her loosen up through the shot and actually start enjoying it...


And that's what I did today! Now you are filled in!