Didn't leave the house until about 1 a.m. then I went and met up with Dollface and co. at her lawyer friend's birthday party, which was at his apartment/penthouse/loft kind of a place.
I didn't take any pictures on account of I already felt like kind of a kid sister and was already being slightly bratty (not really, just making a horrendous amount of lewd jokes. yeahhuh).
But yeah, he had it catered a bit, but we were too late for food except when our friend went and got fresh baked bread that was right out of the oven oh lord so good. Also tonnes of booze. Df and I teamed up to down a bottle of prosecco (with strawberries in it!) and later had beers...
There was one big babe there that Df had met before who we both thought was dreamy (this never really happens, luckily for us our taste in dudes differs quite notably). He was there with his gf, but was such a flirt.. to the point where I wanted to call him out on it. Except I guess it's possible he's just a nice guy. A nice guy who is also a lawyer. Lawyers are bizarre.
We got into the hot tub at probably 3 in the morning and kept drinking in there. Did you know that people are right to say you shouldn't drink in the hot tub? You really shouldn't.
On my way out I fully slipped on the wet stairs coming off of the tub and bit it big. Luckily I tucked and rolled so only my hip was really impacted. I should take a picture of my hot mess bruise for you guys. It's pretty funny. I wore shorts today just so that I could show it off. Yike.
Df fell getting into the cab and messed her knee. We are a pair of dreamboats like you've never even met. So ridiculous and dumb.
I didn't even remember going on the computer when I got home (at probably 5 or 6 a.m.) but then I got a response to an email I didn't remember writing... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh lordy.
Today I was still drunk when I woke up so I went to Sneaky Dee's with some peeps.

My friend took a series of photos of me while I was talking. pretty hot.

I told him I was going to upload that one to fb and then tag him as my secret mystery boyfriend. He seemed okay with that.
Sneaky Dee's has good food I don't even care what you think.
I had a weird concoction that had a tortilla bowl filled with beans and cheese and stuff and topped with a fried egg and with some salad on the side and I had a side of hashbrowns (grease absorbs alcohol).

I ate so, so, much of it. I was surprised at how much food I fit in my belly.
I read this morning that you should consume up to have of your daily calories at breakfast time. I think I'm going to try this out. It seems like a good theory. And I'm into having energy and stuff.

haha I look like Amy Sedaris.

omg look how much I ate.

haha she took all of these pictures herself. Kind of cute.

After breakfast my friend and I went to Kensington to buy sunglasses but then we didn't even buy any and I was sooooo exhausted but I was glad I walked a bit so that I could begin to digest the extreme amount of food I'd ingested.
Then I had a wonderful nap!
I set my cellphone alarm for a couple of hours but I fully slept right through it. Not even close to waking up for it. Nice.
And now I'm up. Sort of. Half way. And going back to dreamtown very very soon. I'm ready.
Gotta get up early because maybe going to do my friend's headshots tomorrow and that should be fun! And I have to clean up this stye before she comes over.
I bought myself a plant today. I think it's a mum, but who knows. It was cheap! And I needed something for my new, bigger, kitchen table.
Oh yeah, I had a weird dream about hanging out with Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson and Lindsay's little sister and trying to protect her from their crazy mom.
I also had an elaborate dream about how rich I was and how I had a lakefront house and how there were many cats who all had new kittens!!!
Actually, this afternoon was one long convoluted dream that is really probably best left undeciphered.
I love sleeping!
It is one of my favourite things to do ever. It is so fun. I love it. Sometimes I get so excited about the idea of going to sleep.
So fun!