
I went to aquafit!

And now I have a headache. I can only assume that aquafit gave me this headache as proof that working out is for stupid people.
I do like aquafit. I don't like it by 45 minutes in, but the first bit is fun. It fucking works the arms. Srsly. They dumbbells don't look like much, but holy. I made some lady friends there as I was waiting for the class to start. Then they all recognized me as being off TV. Awkward. At least one of them went on about how great I am. Better then when people just recognize me and don't follow it up with anything, which makes me sure that I'm awful...
I like the dancing part of aquafit. I wish that this instructor had better music. Music is what makes it.
Then only reason I can stand aquafit is that when you sweat you don't even notice because you're already in the water. And the water cools you down. I really like swimming, actually.


PJ party at Sass's last night. Pretty fun times. I had the best outfit there (OBVIOUSLY) oh maybe not actually because our friend had a full head of curlers which was way awesome. But I didn't have my camera so you're going to have to wait for Sass to upload photes and then I will show you how adorable and pretty in pink I was.
I also made rad guacamole which we all ate up way too quickly. If only there were 10 avocados then maybe it would've been enough. SIGH.
I wish I had some guacamole right now.

bike in kensington

dreamy aaron

I went to do bg on a Broken Social Scene/Brendan Canning music video but it turned out that they had enough people and didn't end up using me (I also got bored and left so they couldn't have.. I was hungry and also shouldn't have been there because I'm some union who thinks they own my soul). I don't have any shots of the shoot so I can't prove it to you. But I don't even care. But I did get to hang out with my friend who I haven't seen at all lately. See above for how cuteson he is. Aw.
And Brendan Canning told me he liked my hair and I said "I grew it myself!"
Also hung with some of the peeps from Foxfire. They are fun and I always want to say Firefox like my browser instead and I have to take a pause before I say their band name so that I get it right. Also my friend took a tonne of pictures of me because he was doing the stills and I want him to send them to me and to you.
There were a lot of babies on set. It's BABY FEVER.
And I want in on the action. One baby looked very much like a tiny elf or wood sprite. V cute with sticky-up hair and pointy features. V, v cute.

That one friend in the pictures said he saw me the other day when he was bike riding and so he stopped and stared and starting dinging his bell loudly and whistling at me but then realized that it wasn't actually me at all.
Then real me biked past him but he couldn't get my attention for fear that it wasn't me again.

Here is a picture of Dollface's purple jeans for my bff because she loves purple. Not very interest! Oh except that DF didn't notice that I took this picture. And now we can all stare at her craw together!
purple jeans
We went to a bun place in Baldwin Village which was cheapcheap and delicious. I should spend more time in Baldwin Village. I bet every store and restaurant there is worthwhile. Maybe I will have a Baldwin Village week sometime.
But most likely not.