Oh hi I'm all of a sudden busy too much. Oh right, because I'm working. And working takes way too much effort.
I went out the other night with my BFF and her law school friends to Bier Markt (I worked there ever so briefly once upon a time and I hadn't been back since). It was pretty fun. I should go out with them more often so that I can meet a rich husband.
Bff is good at partying (thank god).

haha BFF and I have weirdly similar bottom faces in this photo

I worked out a again on Friday with Dollface. Good for me. I'm hurting still. Yay. But I'm already using my body differently and being more aware of things.
As for calorie counting, it seems to be fine. I'm just keeping track of what I'm eating better and cutting down on my food intake in general. It seems to be working out.
I'm feeling pretty good actually.

Dollface bought tomatoes that look like pears! I lined them up on her window sill. And then I ate them. Yumhum.
My downstairs neighbours were having a garage sale when I got home from skydome today and I bought a new kitchen table (I had a teeny tiny one before, 24 inches square) from them, it's formica-topped and folds and is fine. And I bought this dresser/vanity:

Pretty sweet really. That picture is not representative of what a mess my place is. Sigh. Working and partying too much means I just come home and make messes and never stop to clean them up.
I should do a bit right now before I go out (if I do end up leaving the house..)
OH yeah also, The Paper Place was having a big renovation sale and man did I get some sweet things. Especially supplies for Christmas card making and especially some nice little gifts.
Oh yeah and The Book of Shrigley (for myself) for only $5!!!
What good fortune that I stopped in there the other day just as the sale was beginning.