
I'm in the mood for diamonds

Remember how I told you that whenever I find money on the ground I always lose something more important? Well it tried to trick me this time by delaying the losing part but it STILL SUCKS.
I lost my favourite broach (also it was my grandmother's). SIGH. Now my mum's going to be mad at me. I'm dumb, the clasp was slightly loose and I should've done something about it. Tied the damn thing to me or something. I lost it at Sneaky Dee's and I went back there to see if it had been turned in but NO. I might make a poster or something but yeah right it's just costume jewelry (prettiest).
In general and in theory I'm all about how things should be worn/used. How there's no point to owning things that you're not going to appreciate and enjoy and make the most of. I'm not against wrecking things or wearing things out, as long as I used them to their full potential.
There's some things I'm even too weirdly protective of and never use or enjoy such as my Christmas Converse hightops. Which maybe I'll wear today. They're gorgeous.
But still. I really fucking wish I hadn't lost my broach.

Funnest Sunday afternoon in awhile yesterday. Really felt like a Sunday for some reason kinda weird since I don't really have typical weekends...
Spent a good portion of the morning explaining my Christmastime rituals and plans and making my friend tell me about his. HOLY FUN TIMES. Guess what? I love Christmas. But I think that's due partly to fully loving my family (and also liking them a lot as people) and having an excess of good time plans at Christmas paired with good taste and lots of food.
I'm going to write out our entire Christmas schedule for you on here very soon so that you can be jealous of our Christmas cheer.

Then went to Aunties and Uncles which I was very skeptical of because of on the weekends it gets lined up to timbuktu and you have to wait and wait. But we went late enough in the afternoon so that our line was the last of the lining up, so we weren't under severe pressure to eat-and-get-the-fuck-out. GOOD GOD I LOVE THE FOOD THERE. Srsly omelette. Srsly. Especially since I've started getting it with eggwhites. Pansy-ass, I know. But um yes and it was butternut squash and broccoli and swiss so beat that. And sometimes I get the sweat-potato hash instead of the potato salad..... omg good. The only thing is they don't have Saskatoon berry jam anymore. Which is ridiculous. It's okay I'll bring them some back at Christmastime. (p.s. I love that Christmastime is a word)

I turned my camera to "monochrome" and then couldn't figure out how to change it back that little guy there is holding a grenade. Except maybe it's a hot water bottle. Yes, let's go with that.

My friend's dress matched the menus! We both wore summer dresses because there's not many days left for that. Felt good. Even though everyone complimented hers and not mine own. And I made mine. With my own hands.......

We stuck around Aunties until well after three. And my favourite grumbly server sat with us and wasn't too grumbly, more funny. Aaaand oh yeah we had apple crisp pancakes for desert (obviously).

After Aunties we wandered over to Big Chill for ice cream and to meet up with a dude and his friend that my friend had met this week.
Upon getting introduced to said dude he said to me "yeah, I know you" and then I realized that he's this guy that I've met maybe a half a dozen times and never remember. I'm the worst!
The best part is that he's a babe so whenever I meet him I vaguely hit on him.
And then don't remember him later.
HAHAH. Awesome.
Also, he did the score for a short film I did, so he's stared at my face for way way longer that I have his.


Worked the Janet Jackson concert last night didn't see any of her boyfriend barfing in her lap, but the show looked good from what little I saw... and it was a quick shift and finefine chatted up some people that I missed, etc.
ACC! Pretty happy to be back. Working again tonight gotta try and make some dollars so I can take you out on the town...

After working went to Dakota with doll for the first time in forevers and we really didn't any on. Haha awesome that I feel like going home at 130 is early. We also went to Communist's Daughter aaaaand for some reason they hide the fact that they have the most delicious almonds in the world. Bar nuts still exist! I have no idea what these almonds were about but Doll and I guessed soysauce or lime or maybe BOTH. So goddamn good.
You care.

Today I am having some alone time! I'm enjoying sitting at my computer at the window so muchly. Was supposed to go shopping with doll but wienered out on account of my head will explode if I don't stop spending so much time with people.
Might go shopping solo before ACC, I need to get new black pants and new black shoes for work...

Might go back to sleep......