
back to life back to reality

First shift back at the ACC last night! Leafs pre-season game. It was pretty good. Good to see everyone and have them be pleased that I was back. Even some the management seemed glad. Trained a new guy who drove me and my partner extremely nuts. Extremely. Severe space issues, wouldn't just let a joke be a joke - had to keep asking about said joke and trying to take it to annoying extremes, and just talked incessantly. About nothing.
It was okay though because since there was an extra person I didn't have to do much at all. I ate pizza and wandered a bit. That job is so ridiculously easy. And after the mayhem and obnoxiousness of skydome this year it's a welcome change. I love the organization of it. Oh yeah and the pay. Even if I make $5 in tips it's still alright because at least I'm making like $14/hour. SO WHATEVER.

Super fun timez after work. Went home and got hot (new tights from winners I will take pictures soon so you can see how hot they are) and went to Supermarket to see Sweet Thing. Met up with gfs who had never seen them and they loved loved them ("this is a band of babes!") and I danced and stomped and remembered how much I love to see that band. Srsly. I'm so glad I went. Seeing a fun band is one of the best ideas ever.
it takes a worried worried man

his voice sounded better than ever
I really wanted his t-shirt, it says "canadian content" which is awesome but I asked where he got it and he said CBC costume department so balls to that. Perks of having your own CBC show I guess. I'd like to see that department though. For realz.
"canadian content"
I felt like the sound was especially good last night too. The vocals were so full and warm and yeah.

haha I was talking to one of them and his gf afterwards and he said something about babes to me and his gf was like "babe is for girls" but she was wrong! And also she said "my god your hands are small! Who's going to marry you!?!" which was the funniest sentence I've heard. Plenty of people! Babes are lining up! We asked what she even meant by that but she really didn't seem to know. It was kind of awesome.

Then I went to a house party of some people that I don't really know. But there were babes, so, you know.

he kept breathing out and it kept blowing away

norman never drinks but I see him in double-vision still
press that can of beer to me...
this was awesome:
bed wrestling
especially this because it looks like a lying down chase sequence and also it went on for a long time awww bromance
haha lying down chase sequence
Crazy crowd very loud we were out back and the neighbour totally hosed us down. I got home quite damp. Quite, quite damp. As we were leaving (of our own accord) we passed by a few cops who seemed to be thinking about making their way in, maybe just to party too.. they seemed pretty chilled. We bid them a good night.

I might chillax tonight. After working the Argos game, I mean. I'm kind of weary and partied out. Kind of. But I will probably get a second wind. I'm a champion like that.

Also, I have to say that knowing my exact drink limits and then forcefully sticking to them is the best idea I ever had. I know that if I have more than 6 drinks in a few hours then I will barf. And I hate barfing. So I've gotten into being careful with measuring and keeping track of my consumption. It only gets bad when I don't know how much I'm drinking of stuff... like when Doll and I got into all that prosecco and then all those beers and then the hot tub was slippery.. that's when it gets bad.

OMG time to bathe but my hair colour is fading fast. Why can't technology advance enough to keep red on my hairs???