

At the ACC. My mum will be pleased. She says she has enough to lie awake worrying about without worrying about me. But she still will, I bet. Because if she stops then who will do it?
They had already decided to hire me back, I'm sure. It was just a chance to hear me apologize and say I would be a much better employee now. I am sorry, I guess. So it was fine. And I did want my job back.
I actually like working there. More than any other job.

Goddamn I'm a deservist, hey?

I've decided to keep track of calories. I will let you know how I feel about this and whether I think it leads to weight loss.
3500 calories = 1 pound (either way)
So. It makes sense. Makes sense why programs like Weight Watchers are still around. I guess.
I hate the whole idea of dieting, etc.
I'm such a downer.

I have no arms. They are like weights at my sides. Dollface made me go work out with her today. BOOOO.
I'm so suspicious of people who say they enjoy working out.
I did enjoy watching awful rap videos while working out and I do enjoy spending time with Df, but still.
It was a good work-out though. Really worked us. And it wasn't that bad, really. I need to develop a specific good workout for myself and specifically to get the best, strongest actor body.

I most certainly do not want to go and pour beers tonight. But there's no way I can wiener out of it considering how I have not worked in over a week. Yike! I bet the blue jays have been missing me.

I mostly have a good kind of life.