
real updatey

I hate this time of year, where I audition for a bunch of Christmas commercials. I want to do one!
Actually, I'm torn.
On one hand, I like all things related to Christmas in any way.
On the other hand, I understand that the consumerism of the holidays is very annoying.

But still.

Love my new computer!

Ran into my friend Jadam, who I never see anymore, on Yonge Street today (we were going to/coming from various auditions) and I was very pleased to see him. Which is funny because of how obnoxious/irritating/annoying I've found him. And how many times I've wanted to punch him in the face. And how he wears socks and sandals.
But I also really like him.
I'm funny in my opinions of people. I go through phases, I think.
Like when I told AK when I was home that I love him and he said "you haven't always though" and he made a good point. Most times.
Anyhow, Jadam told me to go look at his sketch videos - FAUXHEMIANS.COM.
And I was skeptical. But I went. And there's a picture of the boys wearing Christmas sweaters. So you know I was won over.
And these videos are very good.
Here's my favourite:
The Weeping One

The Weeping One from The Fauxhemians on Vimeo.

I think they need more girls for their videos. Girls like me.

Guess who's a big old Depresso today? This guy.
I just had a four hour nap, on account of being until 5 a.m. last night for no good reason. I'm feeling a bit better. Sort of.
Also feeling better credited to beer mixed with orange juice, and to apple crisp with way too much flax in it.

I feel a compulsive need to tell people my hair colour isn't real. Everyone expects blondes to be fake. And everyone expects red-heads to be real.

Here's some pictures from the other day.
Had lunch in Yorkville at True, with my friend from the Manson film.
Tried to secretly videotape Mark Ruffalo (holy sexy bitch) and Amanda Peet through the window put didn't succeed. Did have organic mimosas and minestrone and delicious spelt-crust pizza. Terrible service though. My friend had to go in search of where our food was.

I put in all three of the pairs of "freshwater pearl" earrings I bought at dollarama. My friend made me take two pairs out. Spoilsport.
three pairs of pearl earrings
Then I saw this car held up only by four wedgwood teacups.
that car is held up only by 4 teacups!
I like to say that I'm a Wedgwood descendant.
For fun.

Went to my film fest film screening - you can view the trailer for our film: GirlBoyProductions.com, if you'd like.
It was very fun. All the directors of the shorts did a Q&A afterwards and they asked my director about the casting of ours and he told them about how he saw me in another short and then wrote this part for me. Awww. And then he pointed me out and everyone applauded. Awwwww.
We went out for drinks briefly afterwards. I mostly gossiped with my director's boyfriend who is very cute. They kind of look alike, which is why they like each other, I bet.

I have a weird crush on one of the other directors. Considering fb stalking him. Obviously.
Stupid facebook. Makes everything stupid.

After drinks with my peeps I went to meet up with my favourite improv friend at the Control Alt Delete premiere after party. Which was held at Wicked, the sex club on Queen West. Yikes. Pretty fun.

swingers club
This was maybe the weirdest thing in the club:
probably the weirdest thing in the swingers club
sexy times
gotta love orgy rooms
Ran into SheDoesTheCity.com, she remembered me from a weird little play I did last summer and how we met after it. And I remembered her from how I read She Does the City every day.

After Wicked party, I went to Sneaky Dee's to be way over-dressed with a group of dirty skateboarders. My friend did make sure to tell me that I was dressed like a witch. Several times. He mentioned several times that I needed a black pointy hat to really make the outfit. I didn't tell him I almost wore a beret. He's classy.
One of the skateboarders, fully out of the blue, told me: "your hair looks like it would feel like what a baby duckling feels like" then later he explained that if he were dating me that he'd play with my hair all the time. He proceeded to give specific examples of when those times would be, for instance; when we were watching a movie then he could play with it and put it in braids and stuff.
V funny.
Laughed for quite awhile.

dirty skaters at dirty sneaky dee's

"beer goggles"
"beer boobs"
um. kick-flip?
Domestic bottles are $2.75 at Sneaky Dee's on Wednesdays, JFYI.
But I did the math and pints are about the same value. I'm very value oriented.

Yay! A real post for you! And for me.

Elliott Smith seems to be coming back into my life. For the first time since his untimely passing, maybe. His songs keep showing up in my random itunes play (thank you iPod Disk for making me be able to get all my music on my new computer!) and I'm liking it more and more.
And I listened to Say Yes about 10 times the other night. So remarkably beautiful.
Sighs all around.

Oh yeah, also, the first photos of my best friend's wedding are showing up on fb and I had a big old cry about missing it. I am pretty upset though. I'm not sure (at all) that I made the right decision coming back here to party down instead of seeing my friend (since I was 4) get married.
I don't know what I'm going to do this spring/summer when everyone else I know thinks they're getting hitched. Killary has set her date for May 9th, so if you all could get married around then too then maybe I'd be able to go to every one.

More sighs all around.

Going to go see my BFF's friend's new liquor cabinet.