
epic cabinet

Today's Bit of Interesting Information:

Turns out one of my favourite singers, Jenn Grant (whose album I actually bought [with money] off the internet), is the sister of the ridiculously talented cinematographer of my short film, Daniel Grant.
Smallest world.

Once again I was up until 5 in the morning. And now I have a headache. And why is it so ridiculously humid? I've had enough.

So excited for fall fashion!

I went to hang out with my bff and her friends last night. It's weird how little we know each other's friends. She pointed out how few of my babes she's met. To be fair, she's only been living here fulltime for a year. But still. Her friend was assembling the most epic liquor cabinet in the world. We all helped by drinking the massive amounts of booze he bought to go into it.
And we went through their law school's student database and rated everyone on attractiveness. Except instead of scale of one to ten it was a binary scale. Only 1 or 0. Pretty funny system.

Which reminds me of another attractiveness rating system that a guy who we worked with long ago had - it was a scale of 1 to 10 but you had to put yourself at 5 and rate everyone against yourself.
And he seemed to go into minuses a lot.

I'm so into nostalgia. Sometimes I even get nostalgic for the future. I'm into being sad, I think.
Pretty cool.

I think I'm going to go see if the church rummage sale down the street is still going on. Exciting times!!!

gold jellies