
shit storm

Good News!!!
My computer is broken.
And I have to take it get fixed or something and I'm terrified that it's a dead hard drive (yikes x 1000, I so didn't back up any of my files because I'm just not that into that sort of thing....)

And I have a bad bad cold, made worse by taking the plane. I haven't been able to sleep for more than three hours at a time. I've gotten a lot of reading and TV watching done though. Work refuses to call me back and tell me when I'm in, so I can only assume I'm never in again.

And I don't think I'm going to any TIFF parties really, sigh sigh SIGH. Like that.
But I will be going to the screening of my movie.. which is what is really important. Or something.

I need a job!!!
But there's no jobs that I want. I want only to book more gigs and not have to have a joe job.

Luckily I got the first cheque from filming and the rest is coming next week, apparently!!!
I also visited with my agent today and brought him Saskatoon berry things and he was very cute.
But he asked about my working-out.... SIGH.

I wish I didn't feel like a pile right now.

I'm in a pretty good mood though, all things considered. That'll probably get beaten out of me by more things going wrong.
No. Things are great!
Wrap party for that movie tomorrow!!!
Going to get my computer fixed!!!

oh yeah, p.s. - cousin, good thing I uploaded all the family photos to my flickr... cause the rest are probably lostskies...