
pls fix my computer going on the internet

I have the biggest bruises right now. On my bum. From falling out of the hot tub.
No really. They are big.
omg bruise
more bruises
See? That's not even all three of them. Fun timez!

Ugh. Went and worked out with Dollface today, for this first time this week. (I worked out a bit at my house but I don't push myself like I should when I'm on my own) Was not feeling it today. No sir. But even not fully committing is better than not doing it at all. Or something.
Now I'm eating soup and rice crackers and brie and getting mad at the internet not working like I'd like it to. Mother effer.

I just about blew a gasket at work yesterday. So, so very close. And very close to quitting.
The whole system there is effed and this year is worse than any other.
And my one co-worker was bossing and complaining to the nth and not being a good worker on top of that (I don't mind bossing so much if you're also a great worker).
And then when I objected to her bossing and whining she repeatedly told me what a bad mood I was in. Went so far as to ask me if I was getting my period. Nice!
On top of that I made $130 and since we had to split all of our tips at the stand I ended up leaving with about $75. Yikes.
Then on top of that my co-worked tried to get us to leave our stand fully unlocked and not signed off on in the interest of leaving early. When I refused, she flipped out.
Then on top of that my co-worker blamed having to do re-counts on me when if fact she had inverted numbers I had counted.
I know that complaining about people, especially co-workers, makes people wonder if it's actually me that is the problem.... but I can't help it! I wanted to punch her in the face! So badly! So so so so badly!
And I'm pretty sure I'm a good worker.
The dome used to be my favourite job ever. But the system has gotten so badly screwed up, it's pitting everyone against each other.. I'm really not sure if I'm going back next season. Luckily there's only a few more games and then a big big break.

sneaky dee's

In other, better, news - I had a pretty fun hang the other night that involved Cool Lager (favourite too bad I lovesit) and watching My So-Called Life with a babe.
I know.
You are so jealous of my lifestyle.

OMG My So-Called Life.
Nothing I write could ever even compare. The subtleties and warmth and love and kindness and heartache and cleverness that show has.
I'm not even joking a little bit. I think it's wonderful and painful and beyond true. I'm still in awe of it and I've seen it all about a billion times.
I think I should just pull an "Office" and just remake MSCL in Canada. Obvious best idea.

I do not want to go to work today! Or tomorrow. Or Saturday. I don't know how people work five-day weeks. It seems very silly to me.
I blame my mother for a lack of interest in work.


I had the most intense stress dream about Christmas last night. It was painful. It was my birthday (Christmas eve) but I hadn't bought anyone any gifts so I had to go the mall to go shopping but I kept accidentally leaving the mall and driving away and then realizing I hadn't bought anything. And I couldn't go to my own birthday party because I had to go shopping! So frustrating. The worst was that I woke up at one point and was all "thank god that was just a dream" but then I went right back into it!
Which is unfair because that never happens with good dreams.


I wrote this yesterday before work and tried to post it but the internet was being dumb. Speaking of which:
So this laptop seems to only want to connect to the internet via airport, and completely ignores when I plug the internet directly into it. So I steal internet from whoever in my building hasn't password-protected their internet, but it's very touchy.
I know that my internet works because I plugged it into my old computer to check. And I even think that when I first brought this comp home I plugged my internet into it and it just worked...
So WTF? Why won't it work now? Is there something I don't know????
(Pls help me on this if you can? Thnx??)

Also, guess who I ended up working with again last night?!?
Yep, same co-worker! Holy fun times. It wasn't as bad as the night before but still annoying. I made something ridiculous like $215 in tips (completely unheard of for this season. Like off the heeze) but ended up leaving with $185 on account of she didn't make nearly as much as me. But it was still GOOD and I still needed that money like you would not believe.