
you'll be so surprised at what this entry is about

Ever since watching that mighty putty video now all I want is mighty putty. I want it so bad. I want to fix everything with it and adhese everything with it.
I broke my glasses frames (sad emoticon. classic.) and I really feel like I could fix them with mighty putty. And I would make some fucking arts and crafts for sure.

Also, I was telling my co-worker last night about that mighty putty dub and he said when he works construction they actually use that stuff and it is rad.
Hey do you think I could get spons'd by MIGHTY PUTTY?

Anyway, here's some more pictures of kittens from yesterday


If I had to eat one I would eat Fatty McGee just because she's so solid and delicious looking. Just saying.

he/she is starting to think about opening his/her eyes today. Thinking about it.

Mrs. came over today after dinner at Victory (soooo good yes curry yes) to pet them all and we held them and I held all three at once and they went squeak squeak squeak suckle-noise suckle-noise
I like to kiss them on their noses. I like when they yawn like baaaaarf could you be any cuter?
Yes, actually when they roll over that's pretty cute.
Tilda gets worried and sits around like a jealous nursemaid when we hold them. Poor Tilda, she's just a baby herself. Shouldn't have had unsafe sex, Tilda. Shoulda waited til you were older...


Kids just don't want to be kids anymore.


That one is the loudest and so she gets the least affection from me. Just like babes, ya know? Don't yell when I try to pick you up! Just stay cool!



Here are some from tonight:

armful of kittens!

cute over-load

kittens kisses

I wonder if people will get tired of kittens soon... probably not, I bet.

Oh yeah, I might have gone shopping today. Which is weird since I am SO BROKE.
But I've been having sort of a melt-down about how much I hate everything I own.. so.. and I'm working a whole lot this month (finally) so maybe it'll be okay.
I'm going to assume so?

I bought a red satin trench coat! It's so extreme! I think I'm in love with it.
Would it be weird to choreograph an entire photo-shoot around the three bright red (almost all satin) things I bought today?