
chirp chirp chirp

So, a few years ago my mum mentioned that she is never able to dial the phone in her dreams, specifically 911. Ever since then I constantly have dreams where I need to dial 911 and am completely unable. This has gotten to the point where I know in my dreams that I will be unable to complete the task and ask for outside help.

Twice this week I've had dreams where I've needed to dial 911.

First one, I was living across the street from my friend and we had balconies facing each other and he was being silly and playing around on his and I was like "you're going to fall, I can't watch" and then of course he fell - 5 stories. So I had to run downstairs to see if he was dead, which he wasn't, and all the while I was trying to dial 911 on my cellphone (the rhinestones kept falling off and being sticky) and it was not working. When I pressed the 9 a 0 appeared, etc. The send button wouldn't work, the screen kept going black,etc, etc. So I had to ask people in the streets to help me dial the damn phone and everyone kept refusing because it's against the law to dial 911 without a good reason so of course they were wary of me. And my friend wasn't really bleeding or anything.

Anyway, finally a nice lady helped me dial and I spoke to the 911 operator who suggested we just walk to the hospital because it was pretty close.
So we did.
We also stopped for ice cream along the way but then my friend started crying because he fell 5 stories. What a baby.
Also at that point he turned into one of the annoying guys from Train 48. Oh, wait, did Train 48 have any not-annoying guys?

this is what my afternoons are like

haha sleeping kitten on my belly

Ugh I can't get anything done because there is a grey kitten fully asleep on my belly.
These little guys are into going CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP all over the apartment. Kind of wonderful.

oh you've woken up

The little stripy one (Preddi) is all of a sudden the smallest. I think because he runs around pretty much all the time. When I wake up he's the first to appear or when I come home he always runs at me. And follows me around. He also launches himself off the couch and can climb back onto it by hooking his claws in and givin'er.
Little Grey is so deadpan and delicious, always sleeping on me and coming up for cuddles.
And Baby Bear is sooooo fat. I think she's actually just fluffy but she looks so fat and like she should not even be able to run because she's too fat! She also constantly looks a bit stunned and confused which makes her SO CUTE. I can't even deal with it.

pile of delicious little baby kittens

the all tumble off of me

Dakota on Sunday. The Beauties were back in full-force. Luckily Shambers is obsessed with them so he was "in the know" (ie: stalks them on fb).
Good group out, Cpt, some hot ladies, etc. Dollface and co. showed up nearer the end (god bless her party spirit) to party down.

I danced with one dude who I thought was cute at first but the more words he said the more I wanted him to never say any words again.

Aw, that's mean. That's not what I meant. Except kind of.

I had said to him and his friend that we were going to Lakeview afterward but then I totally told them that we'd changed our minds and were going home. Just to lose them.
Shit, turns out I am nowhere near kind and care-taking.

Well, there are meaner things I could have done. Right?

Where Dollface and I are classy, classy ladies...

classy ladies

And also not sometimes.

not so classy

Our favourite server was there but instead of serving us he was SHITTERED and it was so fitting because usually it is us who are making big big fools of ourselves...

lakeview is blurry

He told us he was a poet which of course prompted our favourite dirty-mouth to recite some of the dirtiest text messages she has sent.

sarah is tired

He also told us that we're his favourite customers. Awww it's okay that's it's only because we tip well. Or maybe because I'm off TV (this joke becomes funnier to me now that I haven't booked anything in half a year. [yike]). It's definitely not because I always yell. Sometimes it's funny yelling though..?
He told us one girl stalked him on Facebook. So I definitely did not try to add him as a friend if that is what you are wondering.


I have no idea what was going on in the last two pictures there.. but that's not really surprising.
I am usually very confused about everything.


(I'm trying to have more and more reasons to say that and to say it often and I'm still working very hard at being excited about things. And working on coming easily to joy.)
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