I feel like making a video for you but I don't really have anything to say... do you want to ask me a question or something and I could answer you in video format?
Any stories that need telling?

Any stories that I'm allowed to tell, I mean.

My aunt says I should mention when I've updated private blog since I do it so infrequently on account of babe-break not that that's all I write about because it sure isn't.

But I will say that I've woken up in the night in a panic a few times thinking "DID I PUBLISH THAT PRIVATE POST ON PUBLIC BLOG?"
It hasn't happened yet, but stay tuned, maybe one day you will come upon a bit of embarrassing too-much-information.
If you're lucky!

I feel entitled and annoying a little bit today. What is the emoticon for pouty-face?

I have so, so many photos to sort through, like there's a whole camera I haven't even uploaded from in about a week!

Good thing I have nothing scheduled for today and several kittens on the couch with me.
Except Bear who is fully falling asleep standing up.
Cute sighs.