Today (for the first time) it occurred to me that they will actually leave me and go to proper homes. Sadness everywhere!
It'll be okay, especially if my friends adopt them all and then I get to visit them all the time.

NEW DUVET COVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is so, so ridiculously beautiful. You can tell from the photos, but you should really come over so that you can look at it really closely and admire it properly.

UGH IT IS SO NICE. I cannot even believe the intricate sort of patterns and patchworking that my mum put into it. Good thing she's probably the most talented person I know of.

Browns! Blues!
So happy for it and for the change in theme colours to my apartment. Love this house, but sometimes I forget how much and it is nice to be reminded.

Had a clothing swap tonight, good thing for me to have people over to admire the new quilt. And they sure did admire it.
And we sure did swap clothes and drink wine.

I got some very pretty things and I am pretty excited about them. Also I went through my stuff and purged over 30 things (closer to 45, I think) and I feel very relieved. I only picked up about 7, so I think I did Very Good Work today.
Always, always yay for new things, and in a way, even more yay for getting rid of things. I need to do more of that.

About 7 of us swapped, which is kind of the perfect amount and not too many for my tiny attic.
I have lovely friends and it's nice they don't take it too personally when we make fun of clothes they have owned. To be fair, I was probably the most made fun of.

I should probably go to sleep right now. It's 4 a.m. and tomorrow is a day off and I have nothing that I have to do... But it is St. Patrick's.. and I am a redhead.. I feel like the odds are in my favour on this one...