Mod Club tonight for Sweet Thing.
As much as I don't like that venue (especially the way they hurry through shows to get to shitty DJs so they can let more people in. Seriously? Give me my encore.), they do have great lights.
Sweet Thing played lots of new stuff. Some I loved and some we'll see if I get keener on...

More photos, but it is 3:30 in the morning and I am melancholy and belly-aching (it has been so bad lately, I don't even know what to do).
So many times and pasts and familiarities tied up in seeing Sweet Thing... I have more to say on this as well. But I'm still refining.
Jealous that I'm not their best fan anymore. Sad that these days I don't dance like I used to.
Scared I'm getting older, I guess.
Or something.

It's funny how in one day the kittens can go from toddlers to real little kittens. They are amazing and do not convince me any less that I'd like to be a real mum someday.
Ha, sometimes I feel like Tilda and I are co-parents who have differing opinions
occasionally, but need to remember to take some time out from the kids to spend a little time together. Ya know?