Apparently there has been a lack of kitten pictures on here.
This entry will fix that problem.

In case you were wondering (thanks for your outpouring of concern, btw) my eye is feeling a whole lot better. Almost healed, I'd say (and hope).
It's still not the prettiest and kind of swollen and red, but compared to yesterday it's like a miracle.
Walking home from DF's last night I took all the sidestreets so that I could stop and close my eyes for awhile. Man, it was hurting. I don't want that to happen again.

I did get myself a treat and that treat was orange juice (the grovestand kind with way too much pulp just how I like it) and a pineapple frozen fruit popsicle thing.
And it was delicious.

Kitten purrs are the cutest thing. In case of if you were wondering. Also, Bear is sleeping in the sunshine for the first time right now and she is too cute. Too bad Preddi keeps jumping on her head and trying to eat her face.
Oh, good, he's coming over to bother me now.

I can't hang my bare legs off the couch because they definitely get used for claw-holds.

I mean, I guess their eyes are on straight... but they just still look a bit dumb...

Here is where I tried to line them up for a family portrait...

It ended well.
Then I put them in my pockets. For fun.

And then they were cute.

Okay. I'm going to go try and make my face look more normal so that I can chat up babes and stuff without scaring them away.
Yeah good luck on that one.