Um. I have a hard time with naysayers. I constantly listen to people too much.
How come everyone just doesn't tell everyone else that they can do everything? How come everyone isn't my mum who always acts surprised that I don't get everything I've ever dreamed of?
The only reason why things don't get done (in terms of big creative projects, especially) is because people decide they can't get done.
I need to stop deciding that things can't get done. I need to stop accepting that everything is too hard to do.

(I don't really notice how filthy that mirror is in real life, but man oh man)
Had brunch today with BFF and ran into a bunch of other people I knew there. 7 other people I knew, to be specific.
Anyway, one dude asked if I got hotter recently.
haha, that made me feel sad for past-me. Poor past-me, always uglier... Isn't that the way with most of us? Except when you get older and older and then not as hot, I guess.

I bought another spice rack from Value Village to keep more of my bathroom stuffs. Yes, that whole top shelf is deodorants. I don't know why I compulsively buy them. I have so many different flavours!
I seem to get in lots of vague arguments about whether words I've used are real or not. There are only a few words I use that I made up. And those are fine and make sense (to me).
People are bad at words. I know I am.
The kittens with their not-quite-open eyes look sort of like alien beasts or like BFF says, robots. They are still cute, I guess.

They are liking being held way more. Which is nice.

Tilda is still not into us holding them. She does not think that is fun. I still maintain that she is just jealous.

(I put this one is smaller size so it would all fit, but you can click through to see it bigger on flickr, of course)

Want to do something funtimez tonight, I feel like I should. I have been so lamecity these days. I never do anything anymore. I just watch TV-on-the-internet.
I hung out with the dog at Dollface's last night and ate chips instead of going out. I am not into partying.
I am also still off the babe-train. I'm not even really eyeing anyone up lately.
Probably I need to get more stuff going on my own, make some projects, be successful before I'm actually ready for that big love.
Ready for real-time-love and having babies and being less self-involved...
I know this won't last but that is okay because it is still fabulous out so there.