They grow so quickly!

It's great to see their personalities develop and them become so interested in interacting and playing and yesterday Little Grey pounced and it was the cutest thing I've seen in awhile.

I still have more to upload. Yikes. I wish I had an apartment with better light..
I wonder if these will be the most photographed kittens of all time?
(I'm pretty sure she's not about to eat her in this picture, but who knows...)

(Little Grey trying to blend in with Tilda)

I didn't go out last night, I was feeling very ill. The bits of the Britney show I saw were pretty great, I thought, but a building full of young women? Not really a tipping crowd. It was okay, but I was happy to get out. Maybe I'll watch more of the show tonight.
Hung out with Kaya at Dollface's and watched TV. The Cpt. came over and joined me. He was drawing bored superheros. We ate all of DF's food. She doesn't eat because she's an alien, so she won't even notice. When she came home from work we were still there, watching her cable and drinking her beers.
She's a good friend.

I wish I were feeling better. I've had a half-cold for way too long. I probably need another couple nights off from partying to sleep all the time.